12.16.11 - Friday

Bench 3-3-3-3-3
total - 125 x 3 (PR!)

then worked MU, HPSU, toes to rings... ouchie back so couldn't do the planned metcon

12.14.11 - Wednesday

Overhead squat 3-3-3-3-3 (135# - NOT a PR, felt like I had no core b/c of Kropf working on my back...)
21-15-9 OHS (95/65#) and PU
Time - 3:46 Rx

12.13.11 - Tuesday

3 rds for time of
400m run
50 DU
25 burpees
time - 13:44 Rx (took runs easy yet about 1 minute off July time! strung all DU)

12.12.11 - Monday

Banded deadlift 12 x 2 at 50% 1RM -  used 115# & MM bands (ouchie back)
5 rounds NOT for time of 5 zercher DL, 10 t2b (used 45# for zercher, VERY painful)

12.10.11 - Saturday

Max height box jump - 36.5" (from stand, ouchie back) then
Griff - 14:41

12.9.11 - Friday

At 80% of 1RM C&J complete:
5-3-4-2-1 clean and jerk
30 ft handstand walk between rounds
Time - 8:50 (Rx, 123#)

12.8.11 - Thursday

Rest - ouchie back

12.6.11 - Tuesday

Squat snatch - 118# (PR!)
Felt easy but then 123 just wouldn't go up. too tired.

Max rope climbs in 3 min - 9

12.5.11 - Monday

Time - 16:04 Rx (PR!)
back hurt on 95# deads but could do about 10 at a time...

12.4.11 - Sunday

10 rounds of 10 back squat (95#), 10->1 HPSU
time - 13:36
(lower back still hurt but not too bad for 95# squats)

12.2.11 - Friday

"Jackie" - 9:43 Rx

12.1.11 - Thursday

Rest / tried to deadlift but 185 felt like 225 so I did about 5 lifts and stopped :(

11.29.11 - Tuesday

200 burpees for time

11.28.11 - Monday

The Bear Complex - 105# (PR!)

11.27.11 - Sunday

Rest - rake leaves!

11.26.11 - Saturday

Power Clean 150#

11.23.11 - Wednesday

17-13-11-7-5-3 power snatch (65#)
3-5-7-11-13-17 thruster
Time - 13:54 (back limited - majorly tight!)

11.22.11 - Tuesday

Turkish Get up (40L, 50R)
Banded box squat 12x2 (105#, mm wrapped twice)

11.21.11 - Monday

21-15-9 of deadlift (185#), box jump (20"), pull ups
time - 12:02

11.19.11 - Saturday

5 x 400m sprint
Nikki 1:23, 1:32, 1:37, 1:39, 1:33

11.16.11 - Wednesday

For time complete:
  • 30 burpees
  • 30 hang power clean (95/65#)
  • 30 box jumps
  • 30 overhead walking lunge (45/25#)
  • 30 double unders
  • 30 kettlebell swing (53/35#)
  • 30 push ups
  • 30 wall balls (20/14#)
  • 30 toes through rings
  • 30 one-arm dumbbell power snatch (40/25#)
Time - 16:52 Rx
(very very sore from back squats on monday!)

11.15.11 - Tuesday

Push Press 145# (PR!)
10->1 push press, situps
Time - 5:03 @ 70#

11.14.11 - Monday

5 rds for max reps of bodyweight back squat & DU, complete recovery between rounds

Score - (131, DU) 30+15, 21+16, 20+8, 11+27, 16+19

11.13.11 - Sunday

Rest / engagement pics at ICA

11.11.11 - Friday

REST (butt arm again!)

11.9.11 - Wednesday

Scaled Nancy -
3 rds for time of 15 OHS (45#) and 400m run
Time - 7:55

11.8.11 - Tuesday

Banded platform deadlift - 12x1 at 145# and mental floss, standing on 100# plate
20 zercher DL at 75#

11.7.11 - Monday

100 pullups, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squat
Time: 18:40 Rx (PR!)

11.4.11 - Friday

21-15-9 of:
KB swing (35#)
KB goblet squat
KB snatch R
KB snatch L

Time - 9:26 Rx

11.3.11 - Thursday

Run 200m
3 thrusters (95#)
Run 200m
6 thrusters
Run 200m
9 thrusters
Run 200m
12 thrusters
Run 200m
15 thrusters

Time - 14:16 Rx

Really tired today! Did not kill it...

11.2.11 - Wednesday

20 skin the cats

The Flight Simulator
Time = 11:54 (not a PR)

11.1.11 - Tuesday

Power Snatch - 105#
Snatch Bal - 110#

10.31.11 - Monday

REST - Halloween!

10.29.11 - Saturday

CF Total
Back Squat 205 (tied PR)
Shoulder Press 105
Deadlift 250

Total - 560

10.28.11 - Friday

Mainpage WOD with Mike V, John, Kev, changed from 5 rds to AMRAP in 40 minutes:
200m run
200m run
7 muscle ups
200m run
30 sec L-sit hold
200m run
20 pistols

Score: 4 rds + 4 MU

10.26.11 - Wednesday

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
2 wall climb
8 toes to bar
10 box jumps (24")
Score: 10 + 2 Rx

10.25.11 - Tuesday

Bench press 3-3-3-3-3
Max: 120#

5 rounds for time of: 10 push ups, 20 DU
Time: 4:00

10.24.11 - Monday

3 rounds for time of:
5 2-fer MU
10 2-fer snatch (65#)
15 2-fer wall ball
Time: 18:12 Rx

10.21.11 - Friday

3:14 Rx

10.20.11 - Thursday

21 pull ups, 21 sit ups, 100ft walking lunge
time: 12:05 Rx (strung all PU)

10.18.11 - Tuesday

10 rep max ohs - 115#
then max 500m row - 1:53 (PR!)

10.17.11 - monday

3 rds 400m run, 15 KBS (53#), 15 ring rows (from parallel)
Time - 12:16

10.16.11 - Sunday

12x2 banded box back squat (115#, black bands looped once)
Bamboo bench press - 15RM - 60#
Bamboo OHS - 3 RM - 65#
Max weight box jump (16") - 120#
Max ring support hold - 1:08

10.12.11 - Wednesday

C&J - 145# then stopped b/c didn't feel great, didn't have vibrams or lifting shoes

10.11.11 - tuesday

ICA Tabata Day! KBS, Jumping PU, 10m shuttle run, push ups
Score - Nik Rx+ (45# KB) 71 / 90 / 42 / 61 = 264

10.10.11 - Monday

“The End” (modified from the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games chipper)
For time, complete:
  • 20 calorie row
  • 20 wall balls (20/14# both to 10′)
  • 20 toes to bar
  • 20 box jumps (24/20″)
  • 20 KB SDHP (70/55#)
  • 20 burpees
  • 20 push jerk (115/75#)
  • 120 ft backwards sled pull (165/110#)
Time - 11:47 Rx

10.7.11 - Friday

45 Deadlift (185), 45 HPSU, 45 C2B PU, 5 rope climbs, complete for time in any order
Time - 20:47 Rx

10.5.11 - Wednesday

The Chief
5-5-4-5-5 = 24 rds

10.4.11 - Tuesday

Push Press 2-2-2-2-2-2
Then Assistance: 400m sled drag (25% 1RM) and 200 sit ups
Nik 130, 90, n/a (i promise to do 200 at home!)

10.3.11 - Monday

Team Small
3 rds of: 1000m row, 50 burpees, 50 box jumps, 800m run
Nikki and Tom (ouchie) – 29:55 Rx (1 full round + 2 rds just Nikki @ 1/2 reps)

10.2.11 - Sunday


10.1.11 - Saturday

5 rds for time of 7 ring dips, 14 push press (65#), 21 DU
Time - 9:28 Rx

9.30.11 - Friday

Platform Deadlift 12 sets of 1 at 80% 1RM
(used 200#)
Sprint 400m then max deadlifts at 95#
(53 reps)

9.29.11 - Thursday


9.27.11 - Tuesday

Max height box jump - 41" (on the diagonal) (PR!)

Then back squat 3-3-3-3-3
Max - 185 x 3

9.26.11 - Monday

AMRAP in 20 minutes of 2 muscle ups, 4 power snatch (95#), 200m run
Score - 7+6 Rx

9.24.11 - Saturday

1RM clean
Did a few cleans up to 145#

9.22.11 - Thursday

25-20-15-10-5 of:
  • Push up (Men’s Rx = clapping)
  • Sit up
  • Hang Power Clean (95/65#)
 One rope climb after each round

Time - 11:39 Rx

9.21.11 - Wednesday


9.20.11 - Tuesday

"The Baseline"  - 4:57

Then Sumo-deadlift 1 RM
score: 245 (no where near my former max, but it felt heavvvvy)

9.19.11 - Monday

Gymnastics Day! I rested but coached so still got sore :)

9.17.11 - Saturday

FIGHT GONE BAD at Iron Cross Athletics
Complete 3 rounds of:
  • Wall ball (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • Sumo deadlift high pull (75/55#)
  • Box jump (20/16″)
  • Push Press (75/55#)
  • Row (for calories)
325 Rx (felt really tired - didn't push that much!)

9.16.11 - Friday

Banded box squats 12 sets of 2 @ 100# with black band

30 deadhang pull-ups

9.15.11 - Thursday

"Diane: - 6:48
1 minute off my PR :(  HPSU weren't very strong

9.13.11 - Tuesday

Split Jerk - 165# (PR!)
then 500 DU for time  - 9:25

9.12.11 - Monday

"Kelly" - scaled to 3 rounds (20" box, 14# to 9' wall balls)
Time: 16:24

9.10.11 - Saturday

215 Partner Challenge (with John)
(1) 42-30-18 OHS (95/65) and pull-ups
Time: 4:52 (2nd place!)

(2) 530m sandbag run (30#), 50 situps, 50 kbs (53/35)
Time: 16:09

(3) 10 rope climbs, 40 squat clean (115/75), 80 wall ball (20/14# to 10/8'), 150 DU, 8 lengths walking lunge (45/25#), 2000m row
Time: 17:44

9.7.11 - Wednesday

70 KBS (35#), 60 burpees, 50 S2O (55#), 40 DU, 30 sit ups, 20 ring pushups, 10 keg to shoulder (75#)

9.6.11 - Tuesday

Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3
Max: 143x3

Run 1 mile for time
Time: 7:20

9.5.11 - Monday

Banded front squat 12 x 2 @ 85#
10 HPSU on the rings! (started from headstand on floor)

9.3.11 - Saturday

31 Heroes WOD
Partner 1: 8 thrusters (105#), 6 rope climbs, 11 box jumps (24")
Partner 2: 400m run with 25# sandbag
Rounds: 4+14 (me and Killa)

9.2.11 - Friday

At CFKOP with Aimee and Cate
AMRAP in 15 minutes of
5 partner deadlifts (425#)
5 partner clean and jerks (185)
1 banded sprint

9.1.11 - Thursday


8.31.11 - Wednesday

400 m farmers carry (35#) then in remainder of 20 minutes complete AMRAP of 5 front squats (85#), 7 toes to bar
score- 14 rounds + 8 reps

8.30.11 - Tuesday

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Tied PR - 115lb

Snatch 2 on the minute for 8 minutes 95#

8.29.11 - Monday

3x 800m sprint and 1x400m sled drag (35% deadlift on sled)
Times - 3:19 (PR!) / 3:28 / 3:33 / 8:09 (90#)

8.28.11 - Sunday


8.27.11 - Saturday

5 rounds for time of: 7 bar-facing burpees, 14 OHS (95/65#)
followed immediately by max handstand hold (every second held is a second off your time)
Time: 6:52-1:00=5:52

8.26.11 - Friday

Bench Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Max - 135# (PR!)

3 rds for time of 20 floor press, 20 floor wipers (50% 1RM)
Time - 8:16 at 68#

8.25.11 - Thursday


8.24.11 - Wednesday


8.23.11 - Tuesday

@ Knoxville Greenway
1 mile run - 8:30 (downhill)
Rest 3 min
1 mile run - 9:40 (uphill)

8.22.11 - Monday

@ CrossFit K-Town
Max clean and jerk
Max - 155# (full squat)

Then - 30 c&j for time
I used 85# - time = 2:57

8.21.11 - Sunday


8.20.11 - Saturday

OHS - 1 RM
Max - 165 (PR!)

Then 5 rds 10 ohs (65), 30 du
Time - 5:24

8.20.2011 - Friday


8.18.2011 - Thursday


8.17.11 - Wednesday

Banded back (box) squat - 12 sets of 2 reps @ 50% 1RM back squat (used 95# and black bands wrapped once around pole)

Then 5 rds of 5 deadlift (95#) and 7 bar-facing burpees
Time - 2:57

8.16.11 - Tuesday


8.15.11 - Monday

“Hit-and-Run Grace”
For time complete:
  • 400m run
  • 15 clean and jerks (135/95#)
  • 400m run
  • 10 clean and jerks
  • 400m run
  • 5 clean and jerks
Time - 11:24 (ugh, felt bad today - low Energy)

Cash out - 800m sled Drag with 45#

8.14.11 - Sunday


8.13.11 - Saturday

Rest! Judged at K&Q of Prussia

8.12.11 - Friday

1-10-1-20-1-30-1 deadlift
Total: 1365
(note - could have gone a little higher on 10 and 30 rep...)

8.11.11 - Thursday


8.10.11 - Wednesday

6:14 (anchored)

8.9.11 - Tuesday

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Max - 250# (didn't feel strong today!)

Then 3 rounds for time of: 45 ft walking lunge, 15 air squats, 45 ft broad jumps, 15 air squats
time - 3:22

8.8.11 - Monday

For time, complete:
  • 100 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
  • 100 Shoulder-to-Overhead (95/65#)
time - 14:08

8.7.11 - Sunday


8.6.11 - Saturday

Back squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Max - 205# (PR!)

Then complete for time: 25R/25L Dumbbell Snatch
Time - 4:27 (25#)

8.5.11 - Friday

Individual Workout 4 from the 2011 Mid-Atlantic Regional:
  • 100 Pull-ups
  • 100 Kettlebell Swings (53/35#)
  • 100 Double Unders
  • 100 Overhead Squats (95/65#)
time - 26:50

8.4.11 - Thursday


8.3.11 - Wednesday

Elizabeth 9:08 (Rx)

8.2.11 - Tuesday

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Sumo deadlift (225/155)
Kettlebell swing (53/35)

Time - 10:43

8.1.11 - Monday

Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Max: 138#

AMRAP in 8 minutes of 20 wall balls (14# to 9') and 10 push-ups
Score: 158 reps

7.31.11 - Sunday


7.30.11 - Saturday

3 rds for time - 400m run, 50 DU, 25 burpees
Time - 14:30

7.29.11 - Friday

10x2 banded Front Squat, 50% max
- used 95# and blue monster mini

Cash out - 3 rds of 10 toes thru rings, 3 MU (practice no false grip)

7.28.11 - Thursday

21-15-9 squat clean (95#) and C2B pull-ups


Rest - 3 days - camping!

7.24.11 - Sunday

WOD with Aimee and Hannah -
5 rounds for time: 5 deadlifts (185#), 10 push-ups, 15 KBS (53#)
Time - 10:17

7.23.11 - Saturday

5 rds for time: 30 box jumps, 40 sit ups (sub for 20 T2B), 10 ring dips
time - 17:38

7.22.11 - Friday

Snatch grip banded deadlift 12 x 2
113lb, monster mini band

5 rds for time
5 bar facing burpees
5 L-sit pull-ups
Time: 4:10

7.21.11 - Thursday

Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Max - 145

AMRAP in 20 - 400m run, max KBS (35#)
Score - 130 (40, 30, 30, 30)

7.20.11 - Wednesday

Max banded box squat. (12" box + 25lb plate, 1" black bands.)
Max - 185#

7.19.11 - Tuesday

20 skin-the-cats (NFT)

7.18.11 - Monday

Air Force WOD - 20 thrusters, 20 SDHP, 20 push jerk, 20 ohs, 20 FS (65/95) with 4 burpees at the start of every minute

Time - 9:49 (hot as hell today!!)

7.17.11 - Sunday

"Cindy" AMRAP in 15 minutes
score - 14 rounds

7.16.11 - Saturday

Rest day - Ship Bottom with Jeff!

7.15.11 - Friday

Power snatch 3-3-3-3-3
Max - 98#

AMRAP in 7 min of 7 power snatch (55#) and 14 DU
Score - 8 rds

7.14.11 - Thursday

10->1 sumo deadlift (185#) and wall balls (14#/9')
Time - 9:20

7.13.11 - Wednesday

12x2 box squats. Thin black bands, 100#

100 banded good mornings (thin black)

7.12.11 - Tuesday

1) Death by SDHP/MBD (30 minutes)
Score - 325 reps (12 rds + 13, 9 rds + 10, 7 rds)

2) 3 rds for time of: 15 wall ball (14#/8'), 10 HPC (65#), 5 S2O, 1 rope climb
Time- 5:42

7.11.11 - Monday

Rest / build boxes

7.10.11 - Sunday

Moving mats and equipment and mopping

7.8.11 - Friday

Rest? Work on gym

7.7.11 - Thursday

25 HSPU, 25 walking lunge (25#), 25 KBS (20kg), 25 sit ups, 25 DU, 25 pull ups. Penalty for breaking sets = 1 rope climb

Time - 7:47 (1 rope climb)

7.6.11 - Wednesday

Push press 5-5-3-3-2-1-1
Max - 138# (from floor) (PR!)

3 rds for time of Push press (40% 1RM) & box jumps (21")
Time - 3:24

7.5.11 - Tuesday

Deadlift 135# off 45# plate - 10 x 2

Amrap in 12 of 1 clean (135#), 10 push ups, 200m run
Score: 10 rounds

7.4.11 - Monday

Setting up iron cross!

7.3.11 - Sunday

Rest - river time with Schips!

7.2.11 - Saturday

Powerlifting cert!
Bench press and box jumps and sled and punching bag drills

7.1.11 - Friday

Powerlifting with Louie Simmons!!
Sumo deadlift and box squats

250# dead lift - not to max

6.29.11 - Wednesday

21-15-9 of C&J, walking lunge, back squat (75#)

Time - 9:41

6.28.11 - Tuesday


6.27.11 - Monday

100 KB snatch (35#)

5 rds of 5R/5L KB snatch, 20m sprint, 5 burpees, 20m sprint
time - 3:43

50 DU, 50 BF sit-ups

6.26.11 - Sunday

Cave dig!

6.25.11 - Saturday

Front yard WOD
25-20-15-10-5 push ups and sit ups
Time 5:14

6.24.11 - Friday

Team of 4 - 2000m row, 200 front squats (95/135), 150 DB push jerk, 100 pull-ups, 2000m row. 1 person at a time on row, 2 ppl at a time for the rest.

6.23.11 - Thursday

Deadlifts - 10 sets of 3 at 205#

6.21.11 - Tuesday

AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 5 T2B, 10 push press (55#), 15 DU.
Score - 16 rds (+5+10+5)

6.20.11 - Monday

Karen (Rx+ to above 9' line)
time - 7:42

6.19.11 - Sunday

Rest / yard work

6.18.11 - Saturday

Waterfront WOD:
100 sledgehammer tire hits (6#)
50 stump jumps
-time: 10:46

6.17.11 - Friday

Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1
- Max- 95x5
- notes: felt like I may have been able to do more, but ran out of time

3 rounds for time of: 2 wall ascents, 4 HSPU, 8 dumbbell ground to overhead, 16 pull-ups
- all movements must be unbroken or there is 12 burpee penalty every time you stop
- time - 6:30

6.15.11 - Wednesday

Nasty Girls
Time - 10:39 Rx

6.14.11 - Tuesday

Banded deadlift 12 sets of 2
- used 95# and 1" bands
- last 4 sets stood on 15# plates

Reverse hyper 3 sets of 15 (70#)

Prowler push 50m (95#)

6.13.11 - Monday

Back squat 3-3-3-3-3
max: 185x3

Then: 20 rep back squat at 115#

6.10.11 - Friday

20 thrusters (95#)
1 rope climb
15 thrusters
2 rope climb
10 thrusters
3 rope climb
5 thrusters
4 ripe climb
Time - 16:13

6.9.11 - Thursday

Deadlifts 5-5-5-5-5-5 at 185#

6.7.11 - Tuesday

5 rds:
250m run
10 jerk (95)
10 GHD sit-up
10 ring dips
Time - 18:56

6.6.11 - Monday

Rest / 30 back extensions

6.5.11 - Sunday

Team WOD 5: team Amanda
9-9-7-7-5-5 mu & snatch (95/135)
Time - 17:05

6.3.11 - Friday

Regionals Day 1!
Team WOD 1:
750m row x4
750m row x4

5.30.11 - Monday

Valley Forge WOD - AMRAP in 15 of 1 hill sprint, 10 wall jumps, 10 pushups

5.29.11 - Sunday

Rest / kayak with John and Schips

5.27.11 - Friday

Regional WOD 3:
21, 15, 9 of Deadlifts (205#) and box jumps (24")
Scaled to 155# and 30" box jumps
Time - 5:35

5.26.11 - Thursday

Rest - coached rope climb clinic

5.25.11 - Wednesday

Team practice - Amanda (rings above John's hands) - 12:20(?)

5.24.11 - Tuesday

Rest / mow lawn

5.23.11 - Monday

Regionals WOD 4 (1/4 reps)
63 pull-ups
63 KBS (35#)
63 DU
63 OHS (65#)

5.21.11 - Saturday

Thruster ladder (Regionals WOD 2).
Score = 130

5.20.11 - Friday

Team WOD - regionals WOD 6:
Each person moves thru these stations in order, only one person at a station at a time:
20 cal row, 30 burpees, 30 DB ground-to-overhead (25/45), 30 t2b, 100ft overhead walking lunge (25/45 plate), 150ft sprint
Time-14:08 (?)

5.19.11 - Thursday

Partner WOD with John - one person working at a time complete: 1000m row, 100 hand-release push-ups, 75 wall balls (10'), 50 power snatch (65/95), 1000m row
Time - 17:03

5.17.11 - Tuesday

Split jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Max - 175 (from behind head) (PR!)

5.16.11 - Monday

15-12-9-6-3 of: Deadlift (135#), HSPU (on 25# bumpers), vertical jump 1ft above hand
Time - 8:40

5.15.11 - Sunday

Rest - kayak!

5.14.11 - Saturday

1) Steve's club fundraiser - partner with Aimee - 400m run, 150 box jumps (25"), 75 DB push press (25#), 75 air squats, 150 walking lunges (25# DB), 400m run

2) team training - 60 MU, 125 atlas stones (95#), 400m run, 125 keg to shoulder (55#), 400m run, 60 HSPU

5.13.11 - Friday

CrossFit Total
200# back squat
107.5# press (PR!)
250# Dead lift (heaviest since hybrid!)
Total = 557.5

5.11.11 - Wednesday

Team workout:
- 3:30min of Fran with 75# bar
(score: 21+21+15+5)
- 30 sec handstand hold
- Run 400 m
- rotate stations: 25 box jumps (21"), 25 DU, 25 SDHP (75#), 25 HPC (75#), 25 KBS (55#), 25 sandbag burpees
- Run 400 m

5.10.11 - Tuesday

Kelly 24:37 Rx (PR!) by 2 min!

5.9.11 - Monday

Clean 1RM
160# (PR!)

5.8.11 - Saturday

Team Training - team of 4, 2 ppl work at a time - complete 5 rounds of:
200m run (all)
5 rope climbs
50 ohs (95/135)
50 GHD
50 dead lift (155/225)

5.7.11 - Friday

200m sprint, 2 min rest, 400m sprint, 45 sec rest, 200m sprint, 2 min rest, 400m sprint THEN 15 minutes to find 1RM snatch (1 bar for 3 ppl to share)

1RM snatch - 113# (mighta gotten 118# if had more time)

5.5.11- Thursday

• Shoulder press 10 sets of 1 at 100#
• Deadlift worked up to 195x3 (watching out for back)
• 100 push-up challenge 6:37

5.4.11 - Wednesday

On my own after 6am class - 5 min bodyweight back squats followed immediately by 5 min of Cindy
Score - 48 (125#) + 4 rounds + 13 reps

5.3.11 - Tuesday

Hotel WOD - 7am
- 50 DB push jerks (35#) with 4 burpees every minute. Time - 8:51
- 5 rds of 20 butterfly sit-ups, 20 air squats (not for time)

5.1.11 - Sunday

20 mi bike ride with Mel, CC, Chris

4.30.11 - Saturday

Rest - but coached x2 & helped Spence and Spotts move

4.29.11 - Friday

- 20 min AMRAP of 1 rope climb, 400m run, max HPSU
- score: 66 (17, 13, 11, 11, 14)

4.28.11 - Thursday

Sectional WOD 11.6
- 3 thrusters, 3 C2B pull-ups, 6, 6, 9, 9, etc
- score: 99

4.26.11 - Tuesday

5 rounds of: 200m sprint, max KBS, rest 2 min
- used 35 instead of Rx or 55
- score: 100 (30, 30, 20, 20, 0)

4.25.11 - Monday

Rest - arm still swollen

4.24.11 - Sunday

Rest - arm still swollen but less painful

4.23.11 - Saturday

Moving day #2 - arm is very swollen and painful. No lifting today!

4.22.11 - Friday

Moving day! Arm is swelling up

4.21.11 - Thursday

Still can't fully straighten arm, but did WOD 11.5 anyway b/c we're moving this weekend. WOD - AMRAP in 20 minutes of 5 power cleans (100#), 10 T2B, 15 wall ball (14#/9'). Score: 299.

4.20.11 - Wednesday

Rest - butt arm worse!

4.19.11 - Tuesday

Rest - mild case of rhabdo / butt arm!

4.18.11 - Monday

score - 115 (40/23/17/20/15)
- small rip on last set... MAY have been able to do 1 more set otherwise

4.17.11 - Sunday

REST / 100 push-up challenge with John
time - 5:45

4.16.11 - Saturday

Opens WOD 4 @ CFKOP
AMRAP in 10 min of 60 bar-facing burpees, 30 OHS (90#), 10 MU
score: 96 reps

Thursday - 4.14.11

Prep for Open WOD 4: 20 bar-facing burpees, 10 OHS (90#), 4 MU.
Time - 3:03

4.12.11 - Tuesday

Filthy Fifty
DNF - stopped after GHD back extensions b/c backed was super tight!! Ugh...

4.11.11 - Monday

Back squat 5-5-5-5-5
Max - 180x5

4.10.11 - Sunday

Rest, plus 100 push-up challenge w/ John
John - 4:55
Me - 6:42

4.9.11 - Saturday

Rest (back's very tight!)

4.8.11 - Friday

5 Rounds for time of: 20 DU, 10 Pull-ups, 5 Deadlifts (205#/)
Time - 9:16
(ugly deads!!)

4.7.11 - Thursday

Opens WOD 3
5 min AMRAP of one 110# squat clean and one jerk (or thruster)
Score: 25 rounds (50 reps)

4.4.11 - Monday

3 rounds for time: 10 deadhang pull-ups, 15 squat cleans (95#)
Time: 9:45
(really sore from weekend competition! but wanted deadhang work)

4.3.11 - Sunday

South Philly Rumble with John, Mike V, and Cate

WOD 1 -1 guy and 1 girl do max squat snatch, 1 guy and girl do max front squat (3 attempts)
Score: 115 squat snatch (PR!)
Team Score - 4th place

WOD 2 - As a team of 4, all 4 can work at a time but only 1 per exercise, complete in ANY order: 2k row, 100 pull-ups (chest to bar for guys), 100 thrusters (65/95), 150 KBS (35/55), 200 burpees
Time: 12:42
Team Score - 4th place

WOD 3 - Team of 4, 1 girl and 1 guy work at a time, complete in order: 300 DU, 200 box jumps, 100 wall balls (all to 10' mark), 75 G2O (95/135), 30 HSPU, 20 MU. Team must hold a 70# KB the entire time, 10 second penalty if it hits the ground
Time: 12-something
Team Score - 1st place!

Overall tied for 1st place! Took home 2nd place trophy b/c lost to 610 in flip cup :)

4.1.11 - Friday

Partner WOD - 5 rounds for time of 1000m row, 40 KBS (Rx+ at 45#), 40 wall balls (14#/10')
Time - 40:30

3.31.11 - Thursday

Opens WOD 2
15 min AMRAP of 9 DL (100#), 12 push-ups (hand release), 15 box jumps (20")
score - 10 rounds + 3 push-ups

3.28.11 - Monday

Time - 6:59 Rx (PR!)
(note - still had to do full squat)

3.26.11 - Saturday

Team Sectional Training
- Team of 6, each person pulls sled (95/135) while the others do atlas stones, tire flip + 5 burpees, farmers carry + 7 clap push-ups, and wall ascents (6'/8') for points

3.25.11 - Friday

Time - 5:44 Rx

3.24.11 - Thursday

Re-did Open WOD 11.1 - 10 min AMRAP of 30 DU & 15 G2O (55#)
Score - 6 rds 30 DU 1 snatch

3.23.11 - Wednesday

3 rds: 30 box jumps (21"), 30 push press (53#, scaled from 75#), 30 pull-ups
time - 13:51

3.21.11 - Monday

Banded box squats - 5 sets of 2 - at 115# & 135#, blue bands knotted
Banded dead lifts - 12 sets of 2 - focus on speed at 145#

3.19.11 - Saturday

CrossFit Open WOD 1 @ CF Del Val
10 min AMRAP: 30 DU & 15 ground to overhead (55#)
score - 6 rds + 14 DU

3.18.11 - Friday

Maltz Challenge - team w/ Ian
Time - 18:54

3.17.11 - Thursday

@ Naples Hospital Gym
- About 10 minutes on rowing form
- Worked power snatch form (45#)
- Lots of rolling, stretching

@ beach
5 sand sprints ~ 75m each

3.16.11 - Wednesday


3.15.11 - Tuesday

@ Naples hospital gym w/ Ian!
- 5 dead lift, 5 hang power clean, 5 push press, 5 front squat. Work up to max weight. Results - 65, 85, 105 (stopped there b/c with no chalk the HPC were getting very slippery!)
- 5 rounds not for time of: 10 OHS (65#) and 10 push-ups (consecutive)
- Assistance work - 10 incline sit-ups and 20 back extensions, 3 sets

3.14.11 - Monday

@CrossFit Redline
400m run, 1 rope climb, 50 squats, 40 sit-ups, 30 push-ups, 20 pull-ups, 10 burpees
Time - 6:02

3.11.10 - Friday

5 rounds of: 1 rope climb, 10 kbs (55#), 10 snatch (65#)
Time - 10:35 (4 rounds only - tight back!)

3.10.11 - Thursday

Sectional Training
- From main page - 12 min amrap of 115# bench press (scaled from 125#), 3 reps and 155# back squat, 5 reps. Score - 9 rounds + 2 bench press. Notes - connected all back squats but was down to 1 rep bench at a time
- Mini wod to work on weaknesses - 15-10-5 of KBS (55#) and GHD sit-ups. Consecutive but not for time.
- 5 sets of 10 consecutive push-ups, not for time

3.9.11 - Wednesday


3.8.11 - Tuesday

Buy-in:      Six 8' wall climbs
WOD:      AMRAP in 7 minutes of 65# push press (from floor)
Score:      105
Cash-out: Max consecutive DU. Score = 125 (PR!)

3.7.11 - Monday

800m run
5 rounds Cindy
10 SDHP (75#)
5 rounds Cindy
800m run
Time - 18:36

3.6.11 - Sunday


3.5.11 - Saturday

Team sectional training
1) Team of 4, 400 m run with 2 sandbags then in remainder of 10 min each team member must find 1RM ground to shoulder. My squat clean = 155
2) Team of 4, prowler pushes (90# on prowler for women) and overhead walk (95# for women), each member does 3 rounds

3.4.11 - Friday

30 MU for time
8:01 (w/ turnout)

3.3.11 - Thursday

Open Gym:
Yack in the Box - 3 rds of 30 wall balls (8') and 15 C&J (75#)
time - 8:57 (3 min PR!)

3.2.11 - Wednesday


3.1.11 - Tuesday

Deadlifts 5-5-5-5-5
Max - 225# (stopped for form)

10 deadhang PU

2.28.11 - Monday

@ the garage
- Front squats 165x1, three times (stopped there to keep good form)
- Hang power snatch - 93x1 three times, 98x1 once (ugly!)
- Aimee's sectional training WOD: 2 min C&J (105#), 30 sec rest, 2 min C2B PU, 30 sec rest, 2 min OHS (105#). Score - 13, 26, 8 (wrists hurts alot on OHS!)

2.27.11 - Sunday

REST (cut down tree at Warnek's)

2.26.11 - Saturday

Concept2 Rowing Cert - 14,045 meters of rowing!

2.25.11 - Friday

Randy (Rx) 5:23
(back hurts from deadlifts yesterday)

2.24.11 - Thursday

Sectional Training
- Wendler back squat 135x4, 1x355, 175x7
- Wendler dead lift 185x5, 205x3, 225x4 (was supposed to do 235! first time deadlifting since hybrid)
- Muscle-up practice (working on less of a false grip) - 15 MU

2.23.11 - Wednesday


2.22.11 - Tuesday

500M Row      (PR!) time=1:55
3 rounds of:
   30 Squats
   20 Push Ups
   10 Ring Rows
500M Row
time - 10:49

2.21.11 - Monday

Partner wod - Six 100' tire pulls (45#), one partner snatches (83#) while partner pulls. My snatches - 30

Partner DT - 10 rounds (5 each) of:
12 DL, 9 HPC, 6 Push Jerks (105#)
Time - 15:59 (with Dominic)

2.20.11 - Sunday

Rest and walked Ruby 1.5 hours!

2.19.11 - Saturday


2.18.11 - Friday

time - 9:18 Rx (PR!)

100 DU + 10 burpees for time - 1:22

2.17.11 - Thursday

REST, some rope climbs

2.16.11 - Wednesday

1000m row, 25 OHS (95#), 25 toes through rings, 25 KBS (55#), 25 GHD
time - 12:29

2.15.11 - Tuesday

Clean and Jerk 1RM
155# (PR!) split jerk

2.14.11 - Monday


2.13.11 - Sunday


2.12.11 - Saturday

Sectional Training - As a team of 4, 2 people working at a time, complete: 4000m row, 60 G2S atlas stones + 54m carry, 400 burpees. 1 stone and 1 rower per team. Team: Sam B, Aimee, me, Emily (CF Explode).
Time: 26:27

2.11.11 - Friday

Box squats 5-5-5-5-5
Max - 135x5

Amrap in 5 min of wall balls (10'/14#)
Score - 85

2.9.11 - Thursday

Time: 3:49 (PR!) - butterfly pull-ups!

Sectional training
- Wendler snatch 80x3-85x3-90x3
- Snatch 95x1, 100x1
- Row 5000m - Time: 23:36 (PR!)

2.9.11 - Wednesday


2.8.11 - Tuesday

50 box jumps (21")
5 rope climbs (15')
100 DU
50 sit-ups
25R/25L DB snatch (25#)
50 GHD back extensions
Time - 14:49

2.7.11 - Monday

Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5
- from back: 125x3 (failed b/c couldn't reset on back)
- from front: 135x5

high volume today! probably did 4 sets from back and 4 sets from front

2.6.11 - Sunday


2.5.11 - Saturday

Sectional Training

- max height box jump: 38.25"

- Team of 4: 120 wall ball (14#/10'), rotate in 4 stations, each person does 30 box jumps (25"), 300m row, 30 KBS (1 pood), 30 S2O with 25# dumbbells), end with 120 deadlift (135#). Time: 16:10

- Bench Press 95x5, 105x5, 115x5

- Muscle ups and HSPU (5->1 MU, 1->5 HSPU) not for time

2.4.11 - Friday

- Weighted Pullup - 55# (kip)
- Max deadhang pullups - 10
- Snatch 85x3, 90x3, 95x3
- Lots of rolling! Back is finally feeling a little better

2.3.11 - Thursday

Sectional training

Wendler back squat
145x3 - 155x3 - 165x13

Practice Split Jerk from back
started at 85# got up to 145#

Then - 3 rounds for time
50 DU, 20 GHD sit-ups, 5 HSPU
Time - 5:44

2.2.11 - Wednesday

Rest and roll!

2.1.11 - Tuesday

Snatch balance 2 reps x 7 sets
Worked sets of 2 at 93#

KBS & snatch bal (55#)
DNF - stopped after 6 snatch bal b/c KBS were hurting my back! I keep aggravating the hybrid back muscle problem :(

1.31.11 - Monday

Fight Gone Bad
Order: push press, box jump, SDHP, row, wall ball
Total: 293 (missed PR by 17... I knew going into it that I was still tired from Saturday!)

1.30.11 - Sunday


1.29.11 - Saturday

215 Affiliate team challenge - CFKOP versus Inspire
1) Challenge - consecutive muscle-ups. Score = 7 (PR!)
2) Max TGU, stand up only. Max = 65# dumbbell
3) 9-7-5 of deadlift (185#) and burpee box jump (21"). Time = 2:45
4) 10 athletes complete 30,000lbs G2O (bars loaded at 60/70/80/100lb), 10,000m row (4 rowers each to 2,500m), 400 box jumps (2 boxes @ 25" and 2 boxes @ 21"), partner carry, 400 KBS (2 KB @ 35 and 2 @ 55), partner carry. Didn't even notive the time! I snatched the 70lb bar in sets of 10, did box jumps in sets of 15. So happy with our team performance!

1.27.11 - Thursday

    25 wall balls (14# / 10' (Rx+))
    25 pull-ups
    25 sit-ups
    25 push-ups
    25 KBS (35#)
    1000 m row
    25 KBS
    25 push-ups
    25 sit-ups
    25 pull-ups
    25 wall balls
Time - 17:40
(Row pace averaged about 2:20 :(  )

Sectional Training
- 12x2 banded shoulder press (55# plus MF)
- Team WOD - 100 thrusters (95#), one person at a time, each minute starts with 5 burpees, resting teammates do burpees the whole time. Two scores - time to complete 100 thrusters & total number of burpees (not including the 5 before the thrusters). Team = Aimee, me, Miranda, Time - 17:26 & Burpees - 236
- 3 sets of 15 reverse hyper (70#)

Plus lots of shoveling! 14" of snow - shoveled my front walk, John's garage, and John's parents!

1.26.11 - Wednesday

(Walked 3 miles in the snow to Rosey's!)

1.25.11 - Tuesday

"Liquid Cocaine"
5 rounds of 5 C&J (105#) and 10 C2B pull-ups
Time - 8:27 (PR!) (by 1 minute)

1.24.11 - Monday

Deadlift 3-2-2-1-1-1
Max -245# (ugly! 25# off PR)

Still sore in lower back from hybrid... booo

1.22.11 - Saturday

Sectionals training
- Partner wod - 25 min amrap of: 10 KBS (Rx+ at 45#), 5 C2B pull-ups, 10 sandbag burpees, 5 box jumps (Rx+ at 25"). One person works at a time, each person completes a full round. Nikki = 7 rds + 10/5/10, Vinny = 7 rds
- Too tired to do Wendler but did DL 185x5 and 195x5. Will have to do next week :(

11.21.11 - Friday

Yesterday's KOP WOD - "A Party with a few Ladies"
   500m row
   21 KBS (35#)
   12 Pullups
   15 C&J (95#)
   30 box jumps
   30 wall ball (14#/10' (Rx+))
   50 double unders
   50 sit-ups (abmat, butterfly)
time - 12:18

1.20.11 - Thursday

Sectional Training
- Wendler back squats, re-did week 1 b/c it had been so long. Jan 6 got 10 @ 155#, today got 13
- 3 sets of 15 reverse hyper (70#)
- 2 sets of 10 GHD, 2 sets of 10 kipping T2B
- At 50% 1RM hang power clean (75#), 5 HPC on the first minute, 6 on the 2nd, etc... finished 13 reps

1.19.11 - Wednesday


1.18.11 - Tuesday

5 rounds of: 5 S2O (120# push jerk) and 10 burpees.
time - 8:55

1.17.11 - Monday

Still very sore... REST and roll

1.16.11 - Sunday


1.15.11 - Saturday

Hybrid Partner Challenge
1) First event - partner deadlifts. Tied in 2nd place with 550#.
2) Second event - 5-4-3-2-1 of tire flips (740# HWW) and log clean and jerk (each partner, 95#). 2nd place due to being one of two teams to finish in the 10 min time cap.
3) Third event - top 6 teams only - Shuttle. Had to carry yokes, kettlebells, sandbags, stacks of plates, etc. Probably about 1500 lbs total. 2nd place.
4) Fourth event - top 3 teams only - back squats and burpees. One partner does 20 burpees while the other backsquats, 4 rounds. We used 115# and got 140 reps. Two scores - finish time and total of squat x load.

Final placement - 3rd out of 10 heavy weight women's teams!

1.14.11 - Friday


1.13.11 - Thursday

OHS 140#x3 (PR!)
note - couldn't get 145 overhead!

Sectional training
- skipped wendler due to hybrid
- 2RM box squat - 155#
- 6 rope climb

1.12.11 - Wednesday

Rest day but did a snow wod with Kerry and Larry! 5 rounds of: climbing (on swing set), burpee pullups, medball clean into throw. Approximately 10 min

1.11.11 - Tuesday

score - 140 using 110# (87% bw)
bench press - 8, 8, 5, 3, 4 
pullups - 26, 26, 22, 20, 18

1.10.11 - Monday

Sectional assistance work:
- 2 (squat) cleans on the minute for 7 min at 75% 1RM (118#)
- 3 x 20 reverse hyper
- 3 rds not for time of 3 MU and 3 HSPU
   (did 2 rds kipping consecutive and 1 rd deadhang)

1.9.11 - Sunday


1.8.11 - Saturday

Sectional training - team wod
2 people, one work at a time, complete 100 DU then 25 DL (225/155). Then in remainder of 7 minutes alternate DL and DU for reps.
Score - 282 (Jerry 104, me 178)

4 rds of 10 GHD and 10 HSPU
time - 6:30

1.7.11 - Friday

10 rounds for time:
10 burpee box jumps (17")
10 KBS (45#}
time - 16:13 (Rx+)

1.6.11 - Thursday

Wendler Back Squat
135x5, 145x5, 155x10
Wendler Snatch
75x5, 80x5, 85x5

Assistance work - 3 rds not for time:
90# Atlas Stone G2S
10 GHD sit-ups
30 seconds L-sit hold

1.5.11 - Wednesday


1.4.11 - Tuesday

5 rounds for time:
15 hang power snatch (63#)
400m run
time - 16:10

1.3.11 - Monday

Score - 19 rounds (PR!)

1.2.11 - Sunday


1.1.11 - Saturday


12.31.10 - Friday

Open Gym

3 rounds for time:
   5 deadhang PU
   10 pushups
   15 hang power snatch (45#)

time - 10:10

12.30.10 - Thursday

REST - Cave digging!

12.29.10 - Wednesday


12.28.10 - Tuesday

500 m row
21 OHS (75#)
500 m row
15 OHS
500 m row

time - 11:45

(sucked! couldn't do OHS at all!)

12.27.10 - Monday

Coach / REST

12.26.10 - Sunday

12 days of Christmas (new KOP version)

time - 44:27

chipped tooth! lost about 2-3 minutes

12.25.10 - Saturday


12.24.10 - Friday

at CFW - "The Chief"

5-4-4-4-4 = 21 rds

(not very good... did better last year... grrr)

12.23.10 - Thursday


12.22.10 - Wednesday

Sick / REST

12.21.10 - Tuesday

Sick / REST

12.20.10 - Monday

Sick / REST

12.19.10 - Sunday


12.18.10 - Saturday

Coach / REST

12.17.10 - Friday

100 DU then
   AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
   - 5 S2O (95#)
   - 5 ring dips
   - 5L/5R pistols
100 DU

time - 14:30 (7 rds)

12.16.10 - Thursday


Deadlift - 270# (PR!)
Max pullups - 42 (PR!)

12.15.10 - Wednesday


12.14.10 - Tuesday

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
max - 150x3 (ass-to-ankle)

Then AMRAP in 5 min of: 1 squat clean and 3 FS at 50% 1RM
rounds - 16 @ 75#

12.13.10 - Monday

3 rds for time:
400 m run
15 PU
50 squats
15 PU

time - 14:42

12.12.10 - Sunday


12.11.10 - Saturday


12.10.10 - Friday

Snatch 5-5-3-2-1-1-1
max - 110#

(skipped 2000 m row b/c ran out of time and had to coach)

12.9.10 - Thursday


12.8.10 - Wednesday


12.7.10 - Tuesday

Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1
max - 105#
(closest I've gotten to 107.5#)

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
max - 125x3

12.6.10 - Monday


12.5.10 - Sunday


12.4.10 - Saturday


12.3.10 - Friday


12.2.10 - Thursday

Open Gym - "Angie"

20:14 (off my PR by a minute)

12.1.10 - Wednesday


11.30.10 - Tuesday

Regional Individual Chipper

50 box jumps (21")
40 KBS
30 sandbag burpees
20 sandbag cleans (35#, full squat)
10 DB S2O (40#)
20 sandbag cleans
30 sandbag burpees
40 KBS
50 box jumps

time - 17:04

11.29.10 - Monday


11.28.10 - Sunday

The CF Football Chief - at CFW

6 rounds, used 125# for cleans

score: 3-3-3-3-3-2 = 20 rounds

11.27.10 - Saturday

@ Hybrid Athletics

- yoke carry 340 lbs

- 8 atlas stone G2S (95#) plus 30 burpess for time

- circuit with McKenna, Steph, and John, 1 min at each station with 30 second transition, 3 rds:
   - GHD situps
   - double unders
   - KBS (1 pood)
   - DB hang squat clean and thruster (30#)

- 5 min of muscle ups - score = 17

11.26.10 - Friday

@ CF Watertown

"The Seven" (time limit 30 min)

completed 4 rds plus HPSU, thrusters, K2E, Dl, and burpees in the 5th rd (didn't get KBS or pullups)

11.25.10 - Thursday


11.24.10 - Wednesday


11.23.10 - Tuesday

Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

max - 175x3

(very sore and tired coming in to today)

Flight simulator: 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 DU

time - 11:12

11.22.10 - Monday


time - 17:57

11.21.10 - Sunday

Rest / Hike at Glen Onoko

11.20.10 - Saturday

WOD 'n WINGS at CF Apex

As a team - 600 m run carrying KB and medball, 150 PU, 200 KBS, 150 box jumps, 2000 m row, 600 wall balls

time - 33 minutes

11.19.10 - Friday

400 m farmer's carry
    21-15-9 weighted lunge and thrusters (30# DB)
400 m farmer's carry

time - 13:57