10.15.10 - Friday

Air Force WOD (make-up WOD)
-start each minute with 4 burpees. complete:
20 thrusters (65#), 20 SDHP, 20 PJ, 20 OHS, 20 FS
time - 8:37

felt like crap! didn't warm up enough

10.14.10 - Thursday

Rest / played with Atlas stone

Got 112# ground to shoulder (PR!)

10.13.10 - Wednesday

Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
max=105# (tied PR)

Push Press 5-5-5-5-5
max = 115x5, 120x4

10.12.10 - Tuesday

at the Garage
Shoulder Press x3, Push Press x3, Split Jerk x3 @ 95#

Push Press x3, Split Jerk x3 @ 115#

Split Jerk x1 @135#

10.11.10 - Monday

JZ's "The Original"
Complete 5 min of max BW backsquat
Then in 15 minute clock do 800m run then AMRAP of 5 box jumps and 5 PU

score - 51 squats + 18 rounds = 69

10.10.10 - Sunday


10.9.10 - Saturday

mainsite WOD at KOP with Warnek
100m handstand walk (54 mats)
time - 12:20

10.8.10 - Friday

7 rounds: 7 toes to bar & 7 OHS (unbroken)
- choose weight as high as you can do unbroken
- I used 95#
time - 10:07

10.7.10 - Thursday


10.6.10 - Wednesday

Sumo Deadlift 5-5-3-2-2-1
max - 275# (PR!)

Box squats 2 reps x 12 sets (used blue bands and box)

10.5.10 - Tuesday

21-15-9 of squat cleans (95#) and ring rows (on 13" box)
time - 12:39

10.4.10 - Monday

5 sets of a 3-min AMPRAP (Todd's design)
KBS @ 35# - 85
DU - 166
Box Jump (21") - 57
Rope Climb (x10) - 70
Air Squats - 128

score - 506

10.3.10 - Sunday

REST (De-load)

10.3.10 - Sunday

REST (De-load)

10.2.10 - Saturday

REST (De-load)

10.1.10 - Friday

REST (De-load)

9.30.10 - Thursday

Deadlift 5-5-3-2-2-1
stopped at 225x1 - tired!

3 rounds:
30 GHD bench presses
3 wall climbs (8')

9.29.10 - Wednesday

5 rounds of 10 push press (75#) and 10 2-fer burpees
time - 8:57

Cashout - 400m sprint
time - 1:22

9.28.10 - Tuesday


9.27.10 - Monday

Snatch Balance 3-3-3-3-3
score - 83# (didn't try to go higher, just treated as warmup)

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1
max - 113# (PR!)

9.26.10 - Sunday

at Warnek's garage
Death by pullups
score: 17 rounds (completed 17 rounds, didn't do any in round 18 due to rips)

9.25.10 - Saturday

Fight Gone Bad (at CFW)
order - wall ball, SDHP, Box jump, push press, row

score - 310 (PR!)

9.24.10 - Friday


9.23.10 - Thursday

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
max - 103# =(

Then 9-6-3 wall burpees with 1 rope climb after each set
time - 5:00

9.22.10 - Wednesday

10 rounds of: 10 cal row, 10 KBS (55#)
time - 18:04

9.21.10 - Tuesday

at Garage
Front Squat 5-3-3-2-2-1-1
max - 170 (failed 175) (PR!)

Then "Hannah"
21-15-9 of thrusters (75#) and wallball (14#/9')
time - 6:58 (last December was 8:01)

9.20.10 - Monday

Rest day

9.19.10 - Sunday

Coaches' Prep Course

3RM Deadlift - max 215#

3RM Push press - 120#, 125#x2

9.18.10 - Saturday

Coaches' Prep Course

Team AMPRAP in 12 minutes:
800m run then
Person 1 - 15 situps (abmat)
Person 2 - 80# Push Press
Person 3 - box jumps

9.17.10 - Friday

mainpage WOD (at KOP)
9-6-3 of 115# thrusters & muscle-ups

time: 11:47

9.16.10 - Thursday

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3
max 225x3 (ugly!)

120 consecutive DU (PR!)

Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3
max 125x3

9.15.10 - Wednesday


9.14.10 - Tuesday

Backsquat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
max - 200# (PR!) (by 10 pounds!)

Then - Bike ride to/from Del Val CF (~10 miles)

9.13.10 - Monday

sore throat / congested - allergies?

AMRAP in 10 minutes
250 row
10 DL (95#)
score - 5 + 6 DL

*rest 3 minutes*

AMRAPin 10 minutes
25 DU
5 Box jumps
10 Burpees
score - 7 + 5 DU

9.12.10 - Sunday

Cleans @ John's Garage
max - 155# (PR!)

9.11.10 - Saturday

Team 9/11 WOD @ KOP (with Jen S)
500 ft bear crawl
100 step ups (21", 25# dumbbells)
100 SDHP
100 step-ups
500 ft bear crawl
200m buddy carry

time - 21:37

9.10.10 - Friday

Rest - sick or allergies?

9.9.10 - Thursday

REST - sore from Mary!

9.8.10 - Wednesday

AMRAP in 20 minutes
10 pistols (5R/5L)
15 pullups
score - 10 + 13 PU (PR!)

9.7.10 - Tuesday

OHS 3-3-3-3-3
Max - 135x3 (PR!)

(didn't try 140)

At 65% 1RM (88#) do 3 rds:
10 OHS
10 pushups (release hands)
time - 6:09

9.6.10 - Monday

At Garage
OHS 3-3-3-3-3
max - 130x3 (didn't try 135)

9.5.10 - Sunday


9.4.10 - Saturday

Lululemon WOD -
0:30/0:45/1:00/0:45/0:30 at 4 stations:
Lunge, DU, Burpee, KBS (26.5#)

Garage WOD -
98# squat clean
HSPU (no plates)
Shoot throughs

Time - 30:00

9.3.10 - Friday

At Garage with Miranda

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
200m run
10 Push press (75#)
10 Push ups

score - 4 rounds

9.2.10 - Thursday

at Garage, with Rauseo

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1
max - 243#

(really hurt hands with women's bar!)

9.1.10 - Wednesday

AMRAP - wallballs in 10 minutes (14#/9')
score - 168

(approx 5 min break)

2 rounds of: 500m row & 9 bear complex (65#)
time - 10:53

8.31.10 - Tuesday

5 rds:
5 Clean & Jerk (105#)
10 C2B PU

time - 9:37

At garage:
Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1-1
max - 103#

3 rds of max HPSU (8,9,10 reps)

100 Double unders (PR!)

8.30.10 - Monday


8.29.10 - Sunday

Plentus's Clean and Jerk Clinic

-worked with 75% max and less (video at 113#)
-practice pulling from floor keeping shoulders and hips rising at same rate
-practice pulling into hip

8.28.10 - Saturday

@ John's garage

200m run
20 DL (135#)
30 wallballs
40 KBS (sub 35# dumbbell swing)
50 Hang power snatch (45#)
40 KBS
30 wall ball
20 DL
200m run

time - 16:57

8.27.20 - Friday

5 rds max bench and max PU
- used 105# for bench, Rx is to use bodyweight
- used only BFPU
- rounds: 10/19, 9/20, 7/17, 6/16, 6/16

score - 126

8.26.10 - Thursday

Weighted PU 5-5-5-5-5
kipping = 35# vest x 5
deadhang = 35# x 1

400m walking lunge
time - 16:25 (420 lunges!)

8.25.10 - Wednesday


8.24.10 - Tuesday

21-15-9 of
OHS (75#)

time - 5:31

notes - strung first 11 KTE then lost rhythm
- strung all OHS

8.23.10 - Monday



8.22.10 - Sunday


note - sore from Friday and Saturday long metcons!

8.21.10 - Saturday


8.20.10 - Friday

The Olympic Bar Mile
- Team workout, each person uses a 45# bar

400m run
50 reps of: BS, FS, OHS
400m run
50 reps of: SP, PP, PJ
400m run
50 reps of: HPC, Hang Pwr Snatch
400m run

time - 37:28
team - JZ, Rob Ph, Kevin, me, Mike Fab, Plentus

8.19.10 - Thursday

Squat Clean
max - 148# (tied PR)

note - Jason said I wasn't opening hip all the way

20 HSPU (25# plate below //)

(Tried Games WOD with 135# clean and HSPU but was too tired to do the cleans!)

8.18.10 - Wednesday


8.17.10 - Tuesday

Isabel - Rx
time - 11:00

notes - full squat, first time Rx!

Skill - DB full squat snatch 20R/20L (15#)

8.16.10 - Monday

Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5
max - 90x5

4 rds of: 15 PU & 15 burpees
time - 7:55

8.15.10 - Sunday

Fight Gone Strongman
-Tire Pull (tire+65#)
-Farmer's carry (55# boxes)
-GHD bench press (15# bar)
-Axle DL (135#)
-Atlas stone over bar (set at 4) (90# stone)

score - 327

8.14.10 - Saturday


8.13.10 - Friday

"Annie" - Level 5 (unbroken DU & unanchored BF situps)
time - 7:55

Skill: MU 3x3