6.25.12 - monday

At CFKOP with Cate, Mike, and John

Clean - max 170# (PR!)

400m run
100 DU
400m run
75 box jumps
400m run
50 pull ups
400m run
25 OHS (45#)
Time - 17:17

6.24.12 - Sunday

OHS 125x13

6.21.12 - Thursday

At get Built CF
Snatch - worked with coach fauer , almost got 135#. Work on starting balanced in ball of foot, pull bar straight up, don't let shoulders come forward

Then 3 rds of 15 wallballs (14#, 10') and 15 HP snatch (75#)
Time - 6:00

6.19.12 - Tuesday

Get Hard CrossFit (Chattanooga)
Warm up 3x3 front squat (115, 135, 145)
1 squat clean on the minute for 20 minutes
16 @ 143#, 4 @ 148#

6.18.12 - Monday

Hotel WOD (Chattanooga)
5 rounds of: 5 wall climbs, 20 toes to dumbbell, 20 back extensions (raised hips on rolled towel), 40 mtn climbers (knee to arm)
Time: 17:17

6.16.12 - Saturday

800m sled drag (45#)
25 toes through rings (consecutive)
zercher box squat (unbanded) 12x2 at 95#

6.15.12 - Friday

Snatch (at CFKOP)
Max - 130# (PR!)

At ICA - 5 rds of
5 S2O (125#), 10 box jump overs (20"), 1 rope climb, 200m run
Time - 14:44

6.13.12 - Wednesday

Bamboo bench 10-10-10 (not for max, used 26# kbs)
Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3
Max - 130#
30 ring dips NFT

6.12.12 - Tuesday

Time - 3:53 (not a PR, so not into it today)

6.11.12 - Monday

18 minute AMPAP of 50 consecutive DU & 10 consecutive KBS (53#)
Score - 9 rounds

6.9.12 - Saturday

"HOPE" at event in manayunk
Score - 252
Note - didn't warm up, should have!
(98 in 1st round)

6.8.12 - Friday

Sumo deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1
Max - 255#
Partner leg tosses 5 x 15

6.6.12 - Wednesday

Front squat 5-5-5-5-5
max - 165x5
30 weighted box jumps (20", 52#)

6.5.12 - Tuesday

Partner WOD - 12 rounds (6 each) of 5 HSPU, 7 DL (155#), 9 burpees
Time - 11:14 (with Dani and Laurie)

6.4.12 - Monday

Time 7:37 (PR!)

6.1.12 - Friday

Hang Power snatch
Max - 110# (not a PR)
AMRAP in 8 minutes of 200m run, 15 HPS (55#)
Score - 4 rds

5.30.12 - Wednesday

Unbanded box back squat 12 x 2 (125#)
200m walking lunge
Time 5:09

5.28.12 - Monday

Memorial Day - MURPH!
Time: 44:31, with 10# vest

5.26.12 - Saturday

At CF Strongtown
12 min amrap (alternate rounds with partner) of:
10 box jumps (20"), 5 thrusters (65#), 6 bar-over burpees
Score - 14 rounds in 12 minutes (me & John)

5.24.12 - Thursday

Backsquat 3-3-3-3-3
Max - 190x3
4 rounds of 200m run, 25 air squat
Time - 5:20

5.23.12 - Wednesday

Teams of 4 complete: 250 pull ups, 250 KBS, 250 DU, 250 OHS (65#)
Time -
Note: Based of 2011 Regionals Team WOD, but today 2 athletes could work at a time

5.22.12 - Tuesday

Banded deadlift 12 x 1 (145/115, mm,) then 200m sled drag unbroken (85#), and 100 butterfly abmat situps

5.21.12 - Monday

3 rds of 20 squat snatch (65#) and 30 vertical jumps (15")
Time - 12:28

5.19.12 - Saturday

Strongman competition w/ Jack EE Boyz
3 min KBS, max ring dips, team challenge. long day!

5.16.12 - Wednesday

3 rds 800m run, 15 box jumps (28"), 30 push press (65#)
Time - 23:07
felt congested and awful today!