7.30.11 - Saturday

3 rds for time - 400m run, 50 DU, 25 burpees
Time - 14:30

7.29.11 - Friday

10x2 banded Front Squat, 50% max
- used 95# and blue monster mini

Cash out - 3 rds of 10 toes thru rings, 3 MU (practice no false grip)

7.28.11 - Thursday

21-15-9 squat clean (95#) and C2B pull-ups


Rest - 3 days - camping!

7.24.11 - Sunday

WOD with Aimee and Hannah -
5 rounds for time: 5 deadlifts (185#), 10 push-ups, 15 KBS (53#)
Time - 10:17

7.23.11 - Saturday

5 rds for time: 30 box jumps, 40 sit ups (sub for 20 T2B), 10 ring dips
time - 17:38

7.22.11 - Friday

Snatch grip banded deadlift 12 x 2
113lb, monster mini band

5 rds for time
5 bar facing burpees
5 L-sit pull-ups
Time: 4:10

7.21.11 - Thursday

Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Max - 145

AMRAP in 20 - 400m run, max KBS (35#)
Score - 130 (40, 30, 30, 30)

7.20.11 - Wednesday

Max banded box squat. (12" box + 25lb plate, 1" black bands.)
Max - 185#

7.19.11 - Tuesday

20 skin-the-cats (NFT)

7.18.11 - Monday

Air Force WOD - 20 thrusters, 20 SDHP, 20 push jerk, 20 ohs, 20 FS (65/95) with 4 burpees at the start of every minute

Time - 9:49 (hot as hell today!!)

7.17.11 - Sunday

"Cindy" AMRAP in 15 minutes
score - 14 rounds

7.16.11 - Saturday

Rest day - Ship Bottom with Jeff!

7.15.11 - Friday

Power snatch 3-3-3-3-3
Max - 98#

AMRAP in 7 min of 7 power snatch (55#) and 14 DU
Score - 8 rds

7.14.11 - Thursday

10->1 sumo deadlift (185#) and wall balls (14#/9')
Time - 9:20

7.13.11 - Wednesday

12x2 box squats. Thin black bands, 100#

100 banded good mornings (thin black)

7.12.11 - Tuesday

1) Death by SDHP/MBD (30 minutes)
Score - 325 reps (12 rds + 13, 9 rds + 10, 7 rds)

2) 3 rds for time of: 15 wall ball (14#/8'), 10 HPC (65#), 5 S2O, 1 rope climb
Time- 5:42

7.11.11 - Monday

Rest / build boxes

7.10.11 - Sunday

Moving mats and equipment and mopping

7.8.11 - Friday

Rest? Work on gym

7.7.11 - Thursday

25 HSPU, 25 walking lunge (25#), 25 KBS (20kg), 25 sit ups, 25 DU, 25 pull ups. Penalty for breaking sets = 1 rope climb

Time - 7:47 (1 rope climb)

7.6.11 - Wednesday

Push press 5-5-3-3-2-1-1
Max - 138# (from floor) (PR!)

3 rds for time of Push press (40% 1RM) & box jumps (21")
Time - 3:24

7.5.11 - Tuesday

Deadlift 135# off 45# plate - 10 x 2

Amrap in 12 of 1 clean (135#), 10 push ups, 200m run
Score: 10 rounds

7.4.11 - Monday

Setting up iron cross!

7.3.11 - Sunday

Rest - river time with Schips!

7.2.11 - Saturday

Powerlifting cert!
Bench press and box jumps and sled and punching bag drills

7.1.11 - Friday

Powerlifting with Louie Simmons!!
Sumo deadlift and box squats

250# dead lift - not to max

6.29.11 - Wednesday

21-15-9 of C&J, walking lunge, back squat (75#)

Time - 9:41

6.28.11 - Tuesday
