8.12.10 - Thursday

Push Press 3-3-3-1-1-1
max 135x1 (PR)

Front Squat 3-3-3-1-1-1
max 170# (PR)

6 rounds of:
5 thrusters (65#)
time - 10:20

8.11.10 - Wednesday


8.10.10 - Tuesday

Split Jerk 2-2-2-2-2
max - 145x2 (PR)

(note - did 145 for 2 sets b/c form was bad - bar coming out in front of face)

Banded box squats - 12 x 2
- used 45# bar and blue band

8.9.10 - Monday

@ Garage

Snatch - 1 RM
max - 103# (still stuck there....!)

3 on the min for 8 min -
103# C&J

8.8.10 - Sunday

Finished building garage - lots of MU and PU!

First Garage WOD: AMRAP in 10 minutes
6 squat cleans (68#)
12 pullups
24 DU
Rounds - 5 + 2 PU

8.7.10 - Saturday

REST (kind of... built garage!)

8.6.10 - Friday

Skill - TGU (for form - used 18#)

Deadlift 5-5-3-3-2-1-1
max - 245# (PR)
(got 250 up but got stuck mid-thigh)

8.5.10 - Thursday

Backsquat 1 RM
max - 190# (PR)

3 on the minute for 7 minutes:
70% 1RM snatch (used 75#)

8.4.10 - Wednesday


8.3.10 - Tuesday


4 x 800m run


8.2.10 - Monday


Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
max - 130# (PR)

8.1.10 - Sunday

@ Basement

Deadlift 3-3-2-2-1-1
max 238# (PR)

@ 215 - Coach's gathering

WOD 1 - Teams of 2, 3 rds for time:
25 axle squat snatch (60#)
15 HSPU (below // on 25# plates)
time - 12:40

WOD 2 - Teams of 2, 3 rds for time:
35 axle HPC (70#)
15 ring dips
time - 8:54

WOD 3 - Teams of 2, both working
4x15 2-fer-1 wall balls (10#
250 DU
time - 6:24

7.31.10 - Saturday


7.30.10 - Friday


From 2010 CF Games:
1200m run
63 KBS (35#)
36 PU
800m run
42 KBS
24 PU
400m run
21 KBS
12 PU
Time - 24:27

7.29.10 - Thursday

@ CFKOP, on my own

Push Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
max 125x1 (close to 130)
felt weak today...

Metcon: 30-20-10 reps of:
Push press (55#)
Air Squat (subbed for K2E - abs still hurt!)
Time - 5:09