2.28.11 - Monday

@ the garage
- Front squats 165x1, three times (stopped there to keep good form)
- Hang power snatch - 93x1 three times, 98x1 once (ugly!)
- Aimee's sectional training WOD: 2 min C&J (105#), 30 sec rest, 2 min C2B PU, 30 sec rest, 2 min OHS (105#). Score - 13, 26, 8 (wrists hurts alot on OHS!)

2.27.11 - Sunday

REST (cut down tree at Warnek's)

2.26.11 - Saturday

Concept2 Rowing Cert - 14,045 meters of rowing!

2.25.11 - Friday

Randy (Rx) 5:23
(back hurts from deadlifts yesterday)

2.24.11 - Thursday

Sectional Training
- Wendler back squat 135x4, 1x355, 175x7
- Wendler dead lift 185x5, 205x3, 225x4 (was supposed to do 235! first time deadlifting since hybrid)
- Muscle-up practice (working on less of a false grip) - 15 MU

2.23.11 - Wednesday


2.22.11 - Tuesday

500M Row      (PR!) time=1:55
3 rounds of:
   30 Squats
   20 Push Ups
   10 Ring Rows
500M Row
time - 10:49

2.21.11 - Monday

Partner wod - Six 100' tire pulls (45#), one partner snatches (83#) while partner pulls. My snatches - 30

Partner DT - 10 rounds (5 each) of:
12 DL, 9 HPC, 6 Push Jerks (105#)
Time - 15:59 (with Dominic)

2.20.11 - Sunday

Rest and walked Ruby 1.5 hours!

2.19.11 - Saturday


2.18.11 - Friday

time - 9:18 Rx (PR!)

100 DU + 10 burpees for time - 1:22

2.17.11 - Thursday

REST, some rope climbs

2.16.11 - Wednesday

1000m row, 25 OHS (95#), 25 toes through rings, 25 KBS (55#), 25 GHD
time - 12:29

2.15.11 - Tuesday

Clean and Jerk 1RM
155# (PR!) split jerk

2.14.11 - Monday


2.13.11 - Sunday


2.12.11 - Saturday

Sectional Training - As a team of 4, 2 people working at a time, complete: 4000m row, 60 G2S atlas stones + 54m carry, 400 burpees. 1 stone and 1 rower per team. Team: Sam B, Aimee, me, Emily (CF Explode).
Time: 26:27

2.11.11 - Friday

Box squats 5-5-5-5-5
Max - 135x5

Amrap in 5 min of wall balls (10'/14#)
Score - 85

2.9.11 - Thursday

Time: 3:49 (PR!) - butterfly pull-ups!

Sectional training
- Wendler snatch 80x3-85x3-90x3
- Snatch 95x1, 100x1
- Row 5000m - Time: 23:36 (PR!)

2.9.11 - Wednesday


2.8.11 - Tuesday

50 box jumps (21")
5 rope climbs (15')
100 DU
50 sit-ups
25R/25L DB snatch (25#)
50 GHD back extensions
Time - 14:49

2.7.11 - Monday

Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5
- from back: 125x3 (failed b/c couldn't reset on back)
- from front: 135x5

high volume today! probably did 4 sets from back and 4 sets from front

2.6.11 - Sunday


2.5.11 - Saturday

Sectional Training

- max height box jump: 38.25"

- Team of 4: 120 wall ball (14#/10'), rotate in 4 stations, each person does 30 box jumps (25"), 300m row, 30 KBS (1 pood), 30 S2O with 25# dumbbells), end with 120 deadlift (135#). Time: 16:10

- Bench Press 95x5, 105x5, 115x5

- Muscle ups and HSPU (5->1 MU, 1->5 HSPU) not for time

2.4.11 - Friday

- Weighted Pullup - 55# (kip)
- Max deadhang pullups - 10
- Snatch 85x3, 90x3, 95x3
- Lots of rolling! Back is finally feeling a little better

2.3.11 - Thursday

Sectional training

Wendler back squat
145x3 - 155x3 - 165x13

Practice Split Jerk from back
started at 85# got up to 145#

Then - 3 rounds for time
50 DU, 20 GHD sit-ups, 5 HSPU
Time - 5:44

2.2.11 - Wednesday

Rest and roll!

2.1.11 - Tuesday

Snatch balance 2 reps x 7 sets
Worked sets of 2 at 93#

KBS & snatch bal (55#)
DNF - stopped after 6 snatch bal b/c KBS were hurting my back! I keep aggravating the hybrid back muscle problem :(

1.31.11 - Monday

Fight Gone Bad
Order: push press, box jump, SDHP, row, wall ball
Total: 293 (missed PR by 17... I knew going into it that I was still tired from Saturday!)