3.28.11 - Monday

Time - 6:59 Rx (PR!)
(note - still had to do full squat)

3.26.11 - Saturday

Team Sectional Training
- Team of 6, each person pulls sled (95/135) while the others do atlas stones, tire flip + 5 burpees, farmers carry + 7 clap push-ups, and wall ascents (6'/8') for points

3.25.11 - Friday

Time - 5:44 Rx

3.24.11 - Thursday

Re-did Open WOD 11.1 - 10 min AMRAP of 30 DU & 15 G2O (55#)
Score - 6 rds 30 DU 1 snatch

3.23.11 - Wednesday

3 rds: 30 box jumps (21"), 30 push press (53#, scaled from 75#), 30 pull-ups
time - 13:51

3.21.11 - Monday

Banded box squats - 5 sets of 2 - at 115# & 135#, blue bands knotted
Banded dead lifts - 12 sets of 2 - focus on speed at 145#

3.19.11 - Saturday

CrossFit Open WOD 1 @ CF Del Val
10 min AMRAP: 30 DU & 15 ground to overhead (55#)
score - 6 rds + 14 DU

3.18.11 - Friday

Maltz Challenge - team w/ Ian
Time - 18:54

3.17.11 - Thursday

@ Naples Hospital Gym
- About 10 minutes on rowing form
- Worked power snatch form (45#)
- Lots of rolling, stretching

@ beach
5 sand sprints ~ 75m each

3.16.11 - Wednesday


3.15.11 - Tuesday

@ Naples hospital gym w/ Ian!
- 5 dead lift, 5 hang power clean, 5 push press, 5 front squat. Work up to max weight. Results - 65, 85, 105 (stopped there b/c with no chalk the HPC were getting very slippery!)
- 5 rounds not for time of: 10 OHS (65#) and 10 push-ups (consecutive)
- Assistance work - 10 incline sit-ups and 20 back extensions, 3 sets

3.14.11 - Monday

@CrossFit Redline
400m run, 1 rope climb, 50 squats, 40 sit-ups, 30 push-ups, 20 pull-ups, 10 burpees
Time - 6:02

3.11.10 - Friday

5 rounds of: 1 rope climb, 10 kbs (55#), 10 snatch (65#)
Time - 10:35 (4 rounds only - tight back!)

3.10.11 - Thursday

Sectional Training
- From main page - 12 min amrap of 115# bench press (scaled from 125#), 3 reps and 155# back squat, 5 reps. Score - 9 rounds + 2 bench press. Notes - connected all back squats but was down to 1 rep bench at a time
- Mini wod to work on weaknesses - 15-10-5 of KBS (55#) and GHD sit-ups. Consecutive but not for time.
- 5 sets of 10 consecutive push-ups, not for time

3.9.11 - Wednesday


3.8.11 - Tuesday

Buy-in:      Six 8' wall climbs
WOD:      AMRAP in 7 minutes of 65# push press (from floor)
Score:      105
Cash-out: Max consecutive DU. Score = 125 (PR!)

3.7.11 - Monday

800m run
5 rounds Cindy
10 SDHP (75#)
5 rounds Cindy
800m run
Time - 18:36

3.6.11 - Sunday


3.5.11 - Saturday

Team sectional training
1) Team of 4, 400 m run with 2 sandbags then in remainder of 10 min each team member must find 1RM ground to shoulder. My squat clean = 155
2) Team of 4, prowler pushes (90# on prowler for women) and overhead walk (95# for women), each member does 3 rounds

3.4.11 - Friday

30 MU for time
8:01 (w/ turnout)

3.3.11 - Thursday

Open Gym:
Yack in the Box - 3 rds of 30 wall balls (8') and 15 C&J (75#)
time - 8:57 (3 min PR!)

3.2.11 - Wednesday


3.1.11 - Tuesday

Deadlifts 5-5-5-5-5
Max - 225# (stopped for form)

10 deadhang PU