8.25.12 - Saturday

Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1
75-95-105-110-115 (PR!)

8.24.12 - Friday

3 rounds of: 5 2-fer muscle ups, 10 2-fer snatches (65#), 15 2-fer wall balls (14#)
Time - 15:56

8.23.12 - Thursday

5 rounds of: 3 power cleans (135#), 10 pull ups, 15 box jumps (20")
Time - 8:23

8.21.12 - Tuesday

40-30-20-10 med ball clean & med ball ground to overhead (14#)
Time - 9:04

8.20.12 - Monday

Bench Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Max - 145# (PR!)

8.18.12 - Saturday

At CFKOP - Zach Miller fundraiser
'Diane' - 4:06 (PR!)
note- did not have time to warm up. bad idea!!

8.17.12 - Friday

Banded deadlift 10x1 (145, mm)
10 zercher DL (65#), 10 V ups not for time

8.16.12 - Thursday

OHS 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Then MU, HSPU work

8.11.12 - Saturday

Thruster (from floor, power clean)
Max - 145# (PR!)
Then 500m row + 25 DB clean and thruster (25#)
Time - 4:55

8.10.12 - Friday

25 toes to bar
50 hand release push ups
75 walking lunges
100 DU
75 sit ups
50 deadlifts (95#)
25 burpees
Time - 14:06 Rx
Note - did 25 t2b in a row!

8.8.12 - Wednesday

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3-3
Max - 140x3
Then 30 mats HS walk (6 sets of 5 mats)

8.7.12 - Tuesday

HELEN - 400m run, 21 KBS, 21 pull ups
Score - 9:49
Not a PR, but it was HOT!

8.6.12 - Monday

At CFKOP - games wod - women teams of 3, one working at a time, complete 30 c&j (135#), 20 rope climbs (20'), then each person does 1 rope and 1 c&j
Time - 15:29 (Nikki, Aimee, Cate)

Then at ICA
Partner Interval wod - AMRAP in 15 min of: 10 alternating one-arm DB snatches (50#), 60m shuttle run.

8.4.12 - Saturday

31 Heroes WOD (w/ Killa)
5 rds + 11 reps

8.3.12 - friday

Max height box jump
41.5" (PR!)
Banded front squats (no box) 10x2 @ 95#


3 rds of 30 squat clean (65#), 15 ring row
Time - 13:41 Rx

7.31.12 - tuesday

10 MU, 100 push press (55#), 1 mile run
Felt like crap (6:30pm class). Failed 3 MU, stopped after push press