9.27.12 - Thursday

5 rounds not for time of:
5 deadlift (205#)
5 deficit HSPU (metal paralettes to AM)

9.25.12 - Tuesday

21-15-9 of power cleans and back squats (95#)
TIME - 6:34

9.24.12 - Monday

3 rounds for time of:
30 box jumps (20")
20 push press (65#)
5 muscle ups

Time - 11:32

9.22.12 - Saturday

5 rounds not for time of:
10 good mornings (83#)
10 knee jump box jumps (24")
20 keg to shoulder (75#)

9.21.12 - Friday

75 ring dips
75 deadlifts (105)
75 pull ups
75 sit ups
75 double unders

time -  21:43 Rx

9.20.12 - Thursday

Front Squat 1-30-1-20-1-10-1

9.15.12 - Saturday

400m barbell carry (130#)
200m barbell overhead carry (100#)
50m barbell front lunge (65#)
Time - 13:09

9.14.12 - Friday

Snatch 8x3
Weights 85-95-105-110
(work new form)
30 reps at 83# NFT

9.13.12 - Thursday

2rds for time of 800m run, 10L/10R KB clean (53#), 20 strict pullups
Time - 18:08 Rx

9.11.12 - Tuesday

Banded box back squats 12x2 (115, mm)
40-30-20-10 air squats
6 mats broad jumps and 6 mats bear crawl after each set
Time - 3:05

9.10.12 - Monday

Partner WOD with Tim P at CFKOP. One person at a time:
50 ring dips
75 c2b pull ups
100 deads (155/105)
400m run (team)
100 deads
75 c2B
50 ring dips
Time - 19:25

Cash out - 3 rounds of 10 ghd, 10 burpees

9.8.12 - Saturday

Push Jerk 2-2-2-2-2-2
max - 160x2
then 3 sets max hspu (14/12/16 - tired!!)

9.6.12 - Thursday

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (training max)
Did 4 at 225# and 4 at 235#

9.5.12 - Wednesday

The Seven - at CF Rage - for mainpage video!
Time - 31:29

9.4.12 - Tuesday

Fall Nutrition Challenge Performance Test
Broad jump - 87"
Box jumps in 3 min - 70 (24")
Push ups in 2 min - 49
800m sprint - 3:15

9.1.12 - Saturday

Four 90 second rounds of :
Run 50m
Score - 107

8.31.12 - Friday

Back squat 5-5-5-5-5
Max - 185x5 (PR!) felt easy
400m sled drag (75#)

8.30.12 - Thursday

AMRAP in 11 of: run 100m, 3 thrusters (65#), run 100m, 6 thrusters, run 100m...
Score - 18+13

8.28.12 - Tuesday

clean and jerk 3-3-3-3-3
max - 140x3

amrap in 5 min of: 10 wall ball (10'), 10 burpees
score - 90

8.27.12 - Monday

Team of 3:
Row 5k, goblet squats (i subbed pistols), push ups, rest