12.16.11 - Friday

Bench 3-3-3-3-3
total - 125 x 3 (PR!)

then worked MU, HPSU, toes to rings... ouchie back so couldn't do the planned metcon

12.14.11 - Wednesday

Overhead squat 3-3-3-3-3 (135# - NOT a PR, felt like I had no core b/c of Kropf working on my back...)
21-15-9 OHS (95/65#) and PU
Time - 3:46 Rx

12.13.11 - Tuesday

3 rds for time of
400m run
50 DU
25 burpees
time - 13:44 Rx (took runs easy yet about 1 minute off July time! strung all DU)

12.12.11 - Monday

Banded deadlift 12 x 2 at 50% 1RM -  used 115# & MM bands (ouchie back)
5 rounds NOT for time of 5 zercher DL, 10 t2b (used 45# for zercher, VERY painful)

12.10.11 - Saturday

Max height box jump - 36.5" (from stand, ouchie back) then
Griff - 14:41

12.9.11 - Friday

At 80% of 1RM C&J complete:
5-3-4-2-1 clean and jerk
30 ft handstand walk between rounds
Time - 8:50 (Rx, 123#)

12.8.11 - Thursday

Rest - ouchie back

12.6.11 - Tuesday

Squat snatch - 118# (PR!)
Felt easy but then 123 just wouldn't go up. too tired.

Max rope climbs in 3 min - 9

12.5.11 - Monday

Time - 16:04 Rx (PR!)
back hurt on 95# deads but could do about 10 at a time...

12.4.11 - Sunday

10 rounds of 10 back squat (95#), 10->1 HPSU
time - 13:36
(lower back still hurt but not too bad for 95# squats)

12.2.11 - Friday

"Jackie" - 9:43 Rx

12.1.11 - Thursday

Rest / tried to deadlift but 185 felt like 225 so I did about 5 lifts and stopped :(

11.29.11 - Tuesday

200 burpees for time

11.28.11 - Monday

The Bear Complex - 105# (PR!)