2.14.12 - Tuesday

1 RM ground to overhead
Max - 155# (ground to shoulder only)

legs really hurt so tried a split clean for the first time. failed the jerk.

2.13.12 - Monday

25-20-15-10-5 of OHS (65#) and box jumps (20")
time - 7:55 Rx

2.11.12 - Saturday

Valentine's Day partner WOD
50 KBS (53/35)
50 situps
50L/50R walking lunge
50 box jumps (24/20")
50 push ups
50 wall balls (20/14# to 10')
50 pull ups
50 burpees

John & Nikki - 10:21 Rx

2.10.12 - Friday

Back squat 8 x 3 at 50% 1RM, load bar with KBs
Used 115#, then 151#

Max push ups without falling or letting knees touch - 75!

Tabata partner leg tosses - 69 reps in 4 rounds

2.8.12 - Wednesday

Attempted Fran - stopped after the set of 15, at 3:00. Legs were too sore, even pull ups sucked. try again soon.

2.7.12 - Tuesday

10 rounds of 5 burpees, complex of 4DL, 3 HPC, 2 FS, 1 jerk (113#)
time - 11;06

2.6.12 - Monday

5 rounds for time of 5 man makers (25#), 3 box jumps (32")
time - 8:45

Bench press 1-1-1-1-1
max - 135#

2.4.12 - Saturday

Rested since Monday! Today was OHS
max - 170# (PR!)

200m sled drag at 125# (ouch!)

1.30.12 - Monday

Row 500m
21-15-9 thruster (95#) and ring dip
Run 400m
time - 16:15 Rx

1.28.12 - Saturday

400m run, 50 back squats, 400m run, 50 FS, 400m run, 50 OHS, 400m run (15#)
time - 13:20

Then - max clean - 158#
short metcon of 115# cleans, muscle ups, sit ups