6.27.11 - Monday

100 KB snatch (35#)

5 rds of 5R/5L KB snatch, 20m sprint, 5 burpees, 20m sprint
time - 3:43

50 DU, 50 BF sit-ups

6.26.11 - Sunday

Cave dig!

6.25.11 - Saturday

Front yard WOD
25-20-15-10-5 push ups and sit ups
Time 5:14

6.24.11 - Friday

Team of 4 - 2000m row, 200 front squats (95/135), 150 DB push jerk, 100 pull-ups, 2000m row. 1 person at a time on row, 2 ppl at a time for the rest.

6.23.11 - Thursday

Deadlifts - 10 sets of 3 at 205#

6.21.11 - Tuesday

AMRAP in 20 minutes of: 5 T2B, 10 push press (55#), 15 DU.
Score - 16 rds (+5+10+5)

6.20.11 - Monday

Karen (Rx+ to above 9' line)
time - 7:42

6.19.11 - Sunday

Rest / yard work

6.18.11 - Saturday

Waterfront WOD:
100 sledgehammer tire hits (6#)
50 stump jumps
-time: 10:46

6.17.11 - Friday

Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1
- Max- 95x5
- notes: felt like I may have been able to do more, but ran out of time

3 rounds for time of: 2 wall ascents, 4 HSPU, 8 dumbbell ground to overhead, 16 pull-ups
- all movements must be unbroken or there is 12 burpee penalty every time you stop
- time - 6:30

6.15.11 - Wednesday

Nasty Girls
Time - 10:39 Rx

6.14.11 - Tuesday

Banded deadlift 12 sets of 2
- used 95# and 1" bands
- last 4 sets stood on 15# plates

Reverse hyper 3 sets of 15 (70#)

Prowler push 50m (95#)

6.13.11 - Monday

Back squat 3-3-3-3-3
max: 185x3

Then: 20 rep back squat at 115#

6.10.11 - Friday

20 thrusters (95#)
1 rope climb
15 thrusters
2 rope climb
10 thrusters
3 rope climb
5 thrusters
4 ripe climb
Time - 16:13

6.9.11 - Thursday

Deadlifts 5-5-5-5-5-5 at 185#

6.7.11 - Tuesday

5 rds:
250m run
10 jerk (95)
10 GHD sit-up
10 ring dips
Time - 18:56

6.6.11 - Monday

Rest / 30 back extensions

6.5.11 - Sunday

Team WOD 5: team Amanda
9-9-7-7-5-5 mu & snatch (95/135)
Time - 17:05

6.3.11 - Friday

Regionals Day 1!
Team WOD 1:
750m row x4
750m row x4

5.30.11 - Monday

Valley Forge WOD - AMRAP in 15 of 1 hill sprint, 10 wall jumps, 10 pushups

5.29.11 - Sunday

Rest / kayak with John and Schips