7.30.12 - Monday

At CFKOP, in teams of 2 (I was paired with law school Tim) perform:

2 RM front squat (180#)
then for time:
750 m row, while other partner holds 215/145# bar in front rack
50 burpees, while other partner holds 135/95# bar overhead
50 thrusters (95/65), while other partner holds a ring support
Time - 15:12

Then at ICA:
8x2 deficit deadlifts (standing on 45# plate)
Used 165/175#
Then max weighted push up
Max - 70# (arms were waaaay tired after today!)

7.28.12 - Saturday

50-40-30-20-10-10-20-30-40-50 double unders & sit ups
Time - 16:16

7.27.12 - Friday

Front squat 1RM
max - 185 (PR!)
10 hill sprints

7.26.12 - Thursday

Banded box squat 12x2 (115#, 12" box)
4x100m sprint

7.24.12 - Tuesday

"Kelly" (14#/9' wall balls)
Time - 28:57 (def not a PR! but it was v. hot and humid....)

7.23.12 - Monday

Lunchtime WOD at ICA - scaled/modified from Games
10 OHS (105#)
10 box jump overs (20")
10 thrusters
10 power cleans
10 toes to bar
10 burpee muscle ups
10 toes to bar
10 power cleans
10 thrusters
10 box jump overs (20")
10 OHS (105#)
Time ?

Then at ICA:
1RM snatch - 120# (pathetic! tired and jet lagged)
1 snatch on the minute for 10 minutes at 105#

7.21.12 - Saturday

At Kauai Lagoons hotel gym -
50 pull ups (universal machine pull up rig)
75 squats
100 sit ups
Time - 12:45

7.19.12 - Thursday

Kauai CrossFit
3RM back squat 183# (not true max, ran out of time)
7 rounds of 7 goblet squats (35#) and 7 burpee box jumps (20")
Time - 7:28

7.15.12 - Sunday

Kauai CrossFit
3 RM squat clean - 150#
8x3 deadlift at 185#

7.9.12 - Monday

6-5-4-3-2-1 of bear complex (75#) and bar muscle ups
Time - 11:11 Rx

7.4.12 - Wed

Open Gym, did 3 rds of firebird not for time

7.3.12 - Tuesday

12x2 banded box squat (115#)

7.2.12 - Monday

30 C&J (75#)
30 burpees
30 floor press
30 toes to barbell
60m OH walking lunge (25#)
Time - 14:05 Rx

6.29.12 - Saturday

Shoulder press 1 RM - 110#
2 mile run not for time

6.28.12 - Friday

21-15-9 deadlift (185#) and burpee box jump (20")
Time - 10:37

6.27.12 - Thursday

Randy - 5:12 Rx

6.26.12 - Tuesday

Snatch grip DL 5-5-5-5-5
Max - 165#
40 hard sledge hits