5.27.11 - Friday

Regional WOD 3:
21, 15, 9 of Deadlifts (205#) and box jumps (24")
Scaled to 155# and 30" box jumps
Time - 5:35

5.26.11 - Thursday

Rest - coached rope climb clinic

5.25.11 - Wednesday

Team practice - Amanda (rings above John's hands) - 12:20(?)

5.24.11 - Tuesday

Rest / mow lawn

5.23.11 - Monday

Regionals WOD 4 (1/4 reps)
63 pull-ups
63 KBS (35#)
63 DU
63 OHS (65#)

5.21.11 - Saturday

Thruster ladder (Regionals WOD 2).
Score = 130

5.20.11 - Friday

Team WOD - regionals WOD 6:
Each person moves thru these stations in order, only one person at a station at a time:
20 cal row, 30 burpees, 30 DB ground-to-overhead (25/45), 30 t2b, 100ft overhead walking lunge (25/45 plate), 150ft sprint
Time-14:08 (?)

5.19.11 - Thursday

Partner WOD with John - one person working at a time complete: 1000m row, 100 hand-release push-ups, 75 wall balls (10'), 50 power snatch (65/95), 1000m row
Time - 17:03

5.17.11 - Tuesday

Split jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Max - 175 (from behind head) (PR!)

5.16.11 - Monday

15-12-9-6-3 of: Deadlift (135#), HSPU (on 25# bumpers), vertical jump 1ft above hand
Time - 8:40

5.15.11 - Sunday

Rest - kayak!

5.14.11 - Saturday

1) Steve's club fundraiser - partner with Aimee - 400m run, 150 box jumps (25"), 75 DB push press (25#), 75 air squats, 150 walking lunges (25# DB), 400m run

2) team training - 60 MU, 125 atlas stones (95#), 400m run, 125 keg to shoulder (55#), 400m run, 60 HSPU

5.13.11 - Friday

CrossFit Total
200# back squat
107.5# press (PR!)
250# Dead lift (heaviest since hybrid!)
Total = 557.5

5.11.11 - Wednesday

Team workout:
- 3:30min of Fran with 75# bar
(score: 21+21+15+5)
- 30 sec handstand hold
- Run 400 m
- rotate stations: 25 box jumps (21"), 25 DU, 25 SDHP (75#), 25 HPC (75#), 25 KBS (55#), 25 sandbag burpees
- Run 400 m

5.10.11 - Tuesday

Kelly 24:37 Rx (PR!) by 2 min!

5.9.11 - Monday

Clean 1RM
160# (PR!)

5.8.11 - Saturday

Team Training - team of 4, 2 ppl work at a time - complete 5 rounds of:
200m run (all)
5 rope climbs
50 ohs (95/135)
50 GHD
50 dead lift (155/225)

5.7.11 - Friday

200m sprint, 2 min rest, 400m sprint, 45 sec rest, 200m sprint, 2 min rest, 400m sprint THEN 15 minutes to find 1RM snatch (1 bar for 3 ppl to share)

1RM snatch - 113# (mighta gotten 118# if had more time)

5.5.11- Thursday

• Shoulder press 10 sets of 1 at 100#
• Deadlift worked up to 195x3 (watching out for back)
• 100 push-up challenge 6:37

5.4.11 - Wednesday

On my own after 6am class - 5 min bodyweight back squats followed immediately by 5 min of Cindy
Score - 48 (125#) + 4 rounds + 13 reps

5.3.11 - Tuesday

Hotel WOD - 7am
- 50 DB push jerks (35#) with 4 burpees every minute. Time - 8:51
- 5 rds of 20 butterfly sit-ups, 20 air squats (not for time)

5.1.11 - Sunday

20 mi bike ride with Mel, CC, Chris

4.30.11 - Saturday

Rest - but coached x2 & helped Spence and Spotts move

4.29.11 - Friday

- 20 min AMRAP of 1 rope climb, 400m run, max HPSU
- score: 66 (17, 13, 11, 11, 14)

4.28.11 - Thursday

Sectional WOD 11.6
- 3 thrusters, 3 C2B pull-ups, 6, 6, 9, 9, etc
- score: 99

4.26.11 - Tuesday

5 rounds of: 200m sprint, max KBS, rest 2 min
- used 35 instead of Rx or 55
- score: 100 (30, 30, 20, 20, 0)

4.25.11 - Monday

Rest - arm still swollen