1.28.13 - Monday

At CFKOP with Aimee - from Hopper Deck
10 power cleans (115#), 10 push ups, 200m row
9 power cleans, 9 push ups, 200m row
8 power cleans, 8 push ups, 200m row
7 power cleans, 7 push ups, 200m row
6 power cleans, 6 push ups, 200m row
5 power cleans, 5 push ups, 200m row
4 power cleans, 4 push ups, 200m row
3 power cleans, 3 push ups, 200m row
2 power cleans, 2 push ups, 200m row
1 power clean, 1 push up, 200m row
Time - ? 16-18 minutes

Same problem of trying to regulate my breathing for baby while getting a good work out in. I think I went harder than i should have today, because I was neck and neck with Aimee which kept me pushing. I tried to catch breath on the row but realized I wasn't doing a great job.

1.27.13 - Sunday

Steph's 5th element of fitness
1) 1RM power clean 163 (PR!) Ran out of time, I think I could have gotten more
2) 8 min AMRAP of 30 du, 15 air squats. (Forget my score! Took it easy to breathe)
3) Immediatley into max plank hold (on elbows). Time - 3:20

1.26.13 - Saturday

Back squat 10-10-10-10
Max - 175x10 !
30 strongman ground to shoulder (didn't have time to complete, worked some 75# keg and stones too nervous about tummy to try 115# stone)

1.25.13 - Friday

Complete for time:
  • 50 x 10m shuttle run
  • 40 toes to DB
  • 40 ring dips
  • 25 x 10m shuttle run
  • 20 toes to DB
  • 20 ring dips
  • 13 x 10m shuttle run
  • 10 toes to DB
  • 10 ring dips
Time - 16:56

1.24.13 - Thursday

3 rounds of:
100 DU
100 ft walking lunge (25#)
Time - 13:00
(preggo DUs are hard! had to break into small sets of 10-20)

1.22.13 - Tuesday

1RM turkish get up
Score - 55udmbbell L/R
Snatch 1RM
115# (form)

1.21.13 - Monday

Stopped at 3 rounds b/c felt lightheaded.
Time - 22:24

1.20.13 - Sunday

Sunday workout with John at ICA!
Banded box back squat - 115# (P)
Then 30 weighted box jumps (24") - 30# dumbbells

1.18.13 - Friday

Complete each of the following for time:
  1. 500m row, 50 KBS (53/35#)
  2. 400m run, 40 wall balls (20/14# to 10/9′)
  3. 30 burpees, 30 hang power cleans (115/75#)
Felt so tired today. I started with 30 burpees and 15 HPC (95#), then did the 500m row and 30 kbs - then stopped. Ugh, could not breathe at all and I hate Fridays.

1.15.13 - Tuesday

5 rounds of max reps bench press (women at 3/4 bodyweight)
Nikki - 20/15/13/9/6 = 63 (95#)

1.14.13 - Monday


30 toes through rings
2 rounds of:
15 HPC (105#)
100 ft overhead walking lunge (35#)
5 rope climbs


1.12.13 - Saturday

Deadlift 3RM

1.11.13 - Friday

9-7-5 snatch (95#), 9-7-5 row (calories), 3-2-1 rope climbs (15')

1.8.13 - Tuesday

Bamboo OHS 5-5-5
Overhead squat 5-5-5-5-5
Score - 145x5

1.7.13 - Monday

Opens 11.2 - AMRAP in 10 minutes of 3 DU & 15 power snatches (55#). Modified to 10 power snatches at 65#. Score - 5+35. Bad!

1.4.13 - Friday

Max - 170# (PR!)
EMOM for 6 minutes: 4 C&J (60% 1RM)
- only did 5 min due to breathing

1.2.13 - Wednesday

AMRAP in 1 minute at each of the following stations:
  • Row (1 cal = 1 rep)
  • Pull ups
  • Sumo deadlift high pulls (75/55#)
  • Box jumps (24/20″)
  • Rest
Score - 225 (had to slow down on row and SDHP to breathe for baby!)

12.31.12 - Monday

3 person teams, 1 person always rowing (until 4,000m)
Other 2 alternate to complete:
100 power clenas (135/95)
100 box jumps (24/20)
100 chest to bar pull ups
100 dead lifts (205/155)
100 burpees

Teamed w/ Tim P and Tobin - we won! But I forget the time...

12.29.12 - Saturday

Front Squat 5-5-3-2-1-1
Max - 180
AMRAP in 15 min: Death by 33# thrusters (starting at 5 on minute 1)
Score - fnished the death by! 19 rounds


30 MU for time (jump to rings)