5.15.12 - Tuesday

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
10 chest to bar pull ups, 10 deadlifts (135#)
Score - 8 rounds  + 7 PU
Notes: C2B were the hardest part by far... had a strange pain in my elbow, I hope that goes away!

5.14.12 - Monday

1 rep max TGU
Max - 45# bar and 50# DB on right, 35# bar and 45# DB on left
1 rep max hang power snatch
Max - 113# (PR!)

5.13.12 - Sunday

Run at VF with Miranda - maybe 2.5 miles?

5.12.12 - Saturday

At CFKoP (due to Steph's Fit Life project interview) -
Banded box back squats 12 x 2 (115#, purple bands, 13" box)
50 KB overhead squats (35#) consecutive
5 x 10 banded hip extensions (off PU bar)

5.10.12 - Thursday

Started doing 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of OHS (65#) and L-sit PU, but only got through the 8's when I had to stop to teach a fundamentals.

Later on, worked on push jerks with Miranda and Killa. Hit 145# but missed 150#. That's about 20# below where I should be... I'm definitely not back to 100%!

5.8.12 - Tuesday

3 min amrap at each station with 1 min rest between stations: double under, toes to bar, box jump, ring dip
Score - 323
Notes - Obviously still hurting from Regionals b/c I couldn't string DUs worth anything!

5.6.12 - Sunday

Regionals Day 3

WOD 5 - DU / Snatch Ladder
Competed 105 and 115# snatch, just did DUs at 125# station b/c knew I wouldn't hit it

WOD 6 - I qualified for this WOD (top 18 women), but withdrew due to heavy deadlifts which I knew would hurt my back and undo my last year of rehab.

Final standing - 18th place in Mid-Atlantic!

5.5.12 - Saturday

Regionals Day 2

WOD 3 - 4 rounds of 10 one-arm DB snatch (70#), sprint
Time - N/A (completed 3 rounds + 7 snatches in 10 min time cap)

WOD 4 - 50 back squats (95#), 40 pull ups, 30 S2O (95#), 50 front squats (65#), 40 pull ups, 30 S2O (65#), 50 overhead squats (45#), 40 pull ups, 30 S2O (45#)
Time - N/A (completed 47 OHS in 22 min time cap)

5.4.12 - Friday

Regionals Day 1!

WOD 1 - "Diane"
21-15-9 of deadlifts (155#) and HSPU
Time - 4:31 (PR!)

2000m row, 50 pistols, 30 HPC (135#)
Time - N/A (completed 28 HPC by 17 min time cap)

5.1.12 - Tuesday

Practice for Regionals - perform 20 DU then max snatch
Completed 105, 110, 115, 120#, missed 125#

4.30.12 - Monday

20 dumbbell snatches for time (70#), alternating hands
Time - 3:30