3.13.12 - Tuesday

Girls Gone Wild part 2
21 deadlifts (155#)
21 squat clean (95#)
21 ring dips
21 thrusters (65#)
21 pull ups

Time - 12:53 (did all pull ups dead hang)

3.12.12 - Monday

Girls Gone Wild Part 1
400m run
21 kbs (35#)
12 pull ups
400m run
30 box jumps (20")
30 wall balls (14#, 10')
400m run
15 OHS (65#)
400m run
max pull ups

Score - 15:01, 25 pull ups

3.10.12 - Saturday

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3

3.9.12 - Friday

Open WOD 12.3: AMRAP in 18 minutes of: 15 box jumps (20", stand on top), 12 push press (75#), 9 T2B
Score: 323 (1 rep short of 9 rounds)

3.8.12 - Thursday

1.75 mile run (8:30 pace), then coached for Open WOD 12.3

3.6.12 - Tuesday

AMRAP in 20 of: max HSPU, 400m run
Score: 91

3.5.12 - Monday

7 rounds of: 7 KB SDHP, 7 KBS, 7 KB squat
Time - 6:54 (44#)

3.3.12 - Saturday

Open WOD 12.2
AMRAP in 10 minutes, 30 snatches @ 45#, 30 @75#, 30@100#, as many at 120#
Score - 79

3.1.12 - Thursday

Open WOD 12.2 but I did a sampling of it to get a feel. Need more rest before I do it for real.
Did 15 reps at 45#, 10 reps at 75#, approx 15 reps at 100#. Felt good!

2.29.12 - Wednesday

Short WOD to get video taken by Steph and Larry:
3-2-1 clean and jerk, with 30 ft handstand walk after each round. Used 135#

2.28.12 - Tuesday

Max height box jump (40")
Max length broad jump (86", 89" no stick)
5 RM back squat - 175x5, 185x3

Box jump was a little of my max, but my backsquat is back to where it was in the fall. Is my psoas almost healed!?!?

2.27.12 - Monday

9-7-5 of: muscle ups and squat snatch (95#)
time - 11:20
(Waaaaay tired from a few nights of insomnia)

2.25.12 - Saturday

4 rounds of
400m run, 20 KBS, 5R/50L turkish get ups
Time - 22:26 (35, 20)

2.24.11 - Friday

Banded back squat 12x2
(115# to 12" box + foam, purple bands)
time - 6:55 Rx (abmat, unbroken)

2.23.12 - Thursday

Open WOD 12.1
AMRAP in 7 minutes of BURPEES (with 6" jump)
score - 105

2.21.12 - Tuesday

Push press 3-3-3-3-3
Max - 135
Not for time - 10 rope climbs, 50 toes to bar

2.20.12 - Monday

wall ball (14# to 10', must catch each rep)
hang power clean (65#)

time - 6:18 Rx

2.18.12 - Saturday

"The Seven"
Rx for the first time!
(With ongoing back issues, the thrusters and DL were brutal)

2.17.12 - Friday

Timed 800m run - 3:15
Platform deadlift 12x1 (4x195, 8x 205)