4.24.11 - Sunday

Rest - arm still swollen but less painful

4.23.11 - Saturday

Moving day #2 - arm is very swollen and painful. No lifting today!

4.22.11 - Friday

Moving day! Arm is swelling up

4.21.11 - Thursday

Still can't fully straighten arm, but did WOD 11.5 anyway b/c we're moving this weekend. WOD - AMRAP in 20 minutes of 5 power cleans (100#), 10 T2B, 15 wall ball (14#/9'). Score: 299.

4.20.11 - Wednesday

Rest - butt arm worse!

4.19.11 - Tuesday

Rest - mild case of rhabdo / butt arm!

4.18.11 - Monday

score - 115 (40/23/17/20/15)
- small rip on last set... MAY have been able to do 1 more set otherwise

4.17.11 - Sunday

REST / 100 push-up challenge with John
time - 5:45

4.16.11 - Saturday

Opens WOD 4 @ CFKOP
AMRAP in 10 min of 60 bar-facing burpees, 30 OHS (90#), 10 MU
score: 96 reps

Thursday - 4.14.11

Prep for Open WOD 4: 20 bar-facing burpees, 10 OHS (90#), 4 MU.
Time - 3:03

4.12.11 - Tuesday

Filthy Fifty
DNF - stopped after GHD back extensions b/c backed was super tight!! Ugh...

4.11.11 - Monday

Back squat 5-5-5-5-5
Max - 180x5

4.10.11 - Sunday

Rest, plus 100 push-up challenge w/ John
John - 4:55
Me - 6:42

4.9.11 - Saturday

Rest (back's very tight!)

4.8.11 - Friday

5 Rounds for time of: 20 DU, 10 Pull-ups, 5 Deadlifts (205#/)
Time - 9:16
(ugly deads!!)

4.7.11 - Thursday

Opens WOD 3
5 min AMRAP of one 110# squat clean and one jerk (or thruster)
Score: 25 rounds (50 reps)

4.4.11 - Monday

3 rounds for time: 10 deadhang pull-ups, 15 squat cleans (95#)
Time: 9:45
(really sore from weekend competition! but wanted deadhang work)

4.3.11 - Sunday

South Philly Rumble with John, Mike V, and Cate

WOD 1 -1 guy and 1 girl do max squat snatch, 1 guy and girl do max front squat (3 attempts)
Score: 115 squat snatch (PR!)
Team Score - 4th place

WOD 2 - As a team of 4, all 4 can work at a time but only 1 per exercise, complete in ANY order: 2k row, 100 pull-ups (chest to bar for guys), 100 thrusters (65/95), 150 KBS (35/55), 200 burpees
Time: 12:42
Team Score - 4th place

WOD 3 - Team of 4, 1 girl and 1 guy work at a time, complete in order: 300 DU, 200 box jumps, 100 wall balls (all to 10' mark), 75 G2O (95/135), 30 HSPU, 20 MU. Team must hold a 70# KB the entire time, 10 second penalty if it hits the ground
Time: 12-something
Team Score - 1st place!

Overall tied for 1st place! Took home 2nd place trophy b/c lost to 610 in flip cup :)

4.1.11 - Friday

Partner WOD - 5 rounds for time of 1000m row, 40 KBS (Rx+ at 45#), 40 wall balls (14#/10')
Time - 40:30

3.31.11 - Thursday

Opens WOD 2
15 min AMRAP of 9 DL (100#), 12 push-ups (hand release), 15 box jumps (20")
score - 10 rounds + 3 push-ups