9.27.11 - Tuesday

Max height box jump - 41" (on the diagonal) (PR!)

Then back squat 3-3-3-3-3
Max - 185 x 3

9.26.11 - Monday

AMRAP in 20 minutes of 2 muscle ups, 4 power snatch (95#), 200m run
Score - 7+6 Rx

9.24.11 - Saturday

1RM clean
Did a few cleans up to 145#

9.22.11 - Thursday

25-20-15-10-5 of:
  • Push up (Men’s Rx = clapping)
  • Sit up
  • Hang Power Clean (95/65#)
 One rope climb after each round

Time - 11:39 Rx

9.21.11 - Wednesday


9.20.11 - Tuesday

"The Baseline"  - 4:57

Then Sumo-deadlift 1 RM
score: 245 (no where near my former max, but it felt heavvvvy)

9.19.11 - Monday

Gymnastics Day! I rested but coached so still got sore :)

9.17.11 - Saturday

FIGHT GONE BAD at Iron Cross Athletics
Complete 3 rounds of:
  • Wall ball (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • Sumo deadlift high pull (75/55#)
  • Box jump (20/16″)
  • Push Press (75/55#)
  • Row (for calories)
325 Rx (felt really tired - didn't push that much!)

9.16.11 - Friday

Banded box squats 12 sets of 2 @ 100# with black band

30 deadhang pull-ups

9.15.11 - Thursday

"Diane: - 6:48
1 minute off my PR :(  HPSU weren't very strong

9.13.11 - Tuesday

Split Jerk - 165# (PR!)
then 500 DU for time  - 9:25

9.12.11 - Monday

"Kelly" - scaled to 3 rounds (20" box, 14# to 9' wall balls)
Time: 16:24

9.10.11 - Saturday

215 Partner Challenge (with John)
(1) 42-30-18 OHS (95/65) and pull-ups
Time: 4:52 (2nd place!)

(2) 530m sandbag run (30#), 50 situps, 50 kbs (53/35)
Time: 16:09

(3) 10 rope climbs, 40 squat clean (115/75), 80 wall ball (20/14# to 10/8'), 150 DU, 8 lengths walking lunge (45/25#), 2000m row
Time: 17:44

9.7.11 - Wednesday

70 KBS (35#), 60 burpees, 50 S2O (55#), 40 DU, 30 sit ups, 20 ring pushups, 10 keg to shoulder (75#)

9.6.11 - Tuesday

Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3
Max: 143x3

Run 1 mile for time
Time: 7:20

9.5.11 - Monday

Banded front squat 12 x 2 @ 85#
10 HPSU on the rings! (started from headstand on floor)

9.3.11 - Saturday

31 Heroes WOD
Partner 1: 8 thrusters (105#), 6 rope climbs, 11 box jumps (24")
Partner 2: 400m run with 25# sandbag
Rounds: 4+14 (me and Killa)

9.2.11 - Friday

At CFKOP with Aimee and Cate
AMRAP in 15 minutes of
5 partner deadlifts (425#)
5 partner clean and jerks (185)
1 banded sprint

9.1.11 - Thursday


8.31.11 - Wednesday

400 m farmers carry (35#) then in remainder of 20 minutes complete AMRAP of 5 front squats (85#), 7 toes to bar
score- 14 rounds + 8 reps

8.30.11 - Tuesday

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Tied PR - 115lb

Snatch 2 on the minute for 8 minutes 95#