7.28.10 - Wednesday


7.27.10 - Tuesday

21 muscle snatch
21 ring dips
1 rope climb (20')
15 muscle snatch
15 ring dips
1 rope climb
9 muscle snatch
9 ring dips
1 rope climb

time - 12:28

7.26.10 - Monday

Strength - OHS 3,3,3,3,3
max was 125x3, 130x2 (ran out of time or would have tried 130 again)

Metcon - 3 rds of 30 GHD situps & 21 OHS (65#)
time - 9:22

Cash out - 2 (tired) rope climbs to 15'

7.25.10 - Sunday

Adventures of T&P

12 minute AMRAP, team of 4
100 m run
Paralette burpees
Air squats
Walking lunges

Then some Prowler fun - push w/ 50# for 30 seconds

7.24.10 - Saturday


7.23.10 - Friday

FRAN - men's Rx
time - 11:52

note - 95# thrusters felt heavier than they should have. I think I need another rest day!

7.22.10 - Thursday


7.21.10 - Wednesday

Clean the front and back yards then

Backyard Deadlifts 1,1,1,1,1
max - 223# :(

7.20.10 - Tuesday

Death by SDHP/MBC
- 30 minutes
- 65# / 20#
score - 264

Cash out - 25 burpees for time
time - 58.46 seconds

7.19.10 - Monday

Hotel WOD with Laura and Donkey

3 station AMRAP in 15 minutes:
300 m run
20# DB shoulder to overhead

7.18.10 - Sunday

Rest / spectate

7.17.10 - Saturday

Rest / spectate!

7.16.10 - Friday

CrossFit Games!!!

WOD 1 - Team of 4 completes 2 rounds of:
70 thrusters (105/155)
50 chest to bar
Fireman's carry
time - At 12 minute cap completed 1 round plus 61 thrusters

WOD 2 - For total reps, team of 6 each completes:
1 min DL (175/315)
1 min rest
1 min pistols
1 min rest
1 min row (calories)
Max shoulder to overhead

7.15.10 - Thursday

Rest! Travel to LA!

7.14.10 - Wednesday


7.13.10 - Tuesday

CF Westchester

3 rounds (scaled from 5 rounds) of:
50 jumping squats (to medball)
21 KBS (35#)
15 burpees
time - 9:35

7.12.10 - Monday

CrossFit Westchester (NY)

21-15-9 thrusters (65#) and KTE with 600m run in between each set
time - 16:29

7.11.10 - Sunday

Rest. Drive home.

7.10.10 - Saturday

Wedding Day! no WOD!

7.9.10 - Friday

At Schipul's front yard

21-15-9 of KBS (45#) and pushups
- must be unbroken
- 300 m hill run in between each set

7.8.10 - Thursday


(Pittsburgh for Schip's wedding)

7.7.10 - Wednesday

Done solo between coaching classes:

OHS 2,2,2,2,2,2,2
max = 130x2 (PR)

Metcon - at 70% 2RM (used 85#):
3 rounds of 10 OHS & 20 K2E
time - 7:29 (2 rounds only - exhausted from 3 hrs sleep)

7.6.10 - Tuesday


7.5.10 - Monday

Coached 4 classes!

1000 m row
50 thrusters (45#)
30 pullups
time - 10:19

Team training:
- team of 4, 2 ppl work at one time
10 lengths backwards job
25 MU + 10 ring dips
8 L OH barbell walk (95/135)
75 front squat
6L burpee broad jumps
75 ground to overhead
4L handstand walk
75 chest to bar PU
time - 16:39

7.4.10 - Sunday

Rest (kayak w/ mom and dad)

7.3.10 - Saturday

CF Watertown

Front Squats -
1x155 (tapering so no true 1RM)

Metcon - 5 rounds of:
4 FS (105#)
12 KBS (40#/18kg)
time - 4:38

(fun warmup today! jog, shuffle, backwards job, skip, back skip, side skip, grapevine, jail walk, back jail walk, inchworm long jumps, burpee leapfrog race)

7.3.10 - Friday

CF Watertown

Team WOD: 400 m of lunges, walk with 25# plate overhead, broad jumps, run with sledgehammer. Plus 90 sledge hits on tire, 90 pushups, 90 KBS, 90 burpees, 90 squats

(low - medium intensity)

7.1.10 - Thursday

Rest (pack up hotel room!)

6.30.10 - Wednesday

CF 914

Deadlift work 2x215 (felt heavy!)

WOD - 4 rds
4 MU
8 KB clean (L) (35#)
8 KB clean (R) (35#)
12 DL (135#)
time - 13:24

6.29.10 - Tuesday

Club Fit

Warmup - 1000 m row (slow - 4:53)

Strength - Bench Press 3,3,3,3,3,3
75-95-110-115-120 (spotter helped with 3rd rep)

Metcon - 5 rounds:
20 DU
20 squats
time - 6:30

6.28.10 - Monday


VERY sore from the weekend, mostly glutes and quads

6.27.10 - Sunday

Affiliate Team Competition at CFKOP

WOD 1: 10,000 lbs ground to overhead
- through a full squat
- one person works at a time
- one barbell for entire team
- Kit/Warnek/me/Laura used 95#, 106 reps
time - 6:20

WOD 2: AMRAP tire flips in 5 minutes (~1200lb tire)
score - 36

WOD 3: Chipper
- 1 person works at a time
- 75# / 115#
100 thrusters
100 pushups
100 hang power cleans
100 ring dips
100 overhead squats
time - 15:05

Results - 2nd place overall, and only top 3 team that didn't use any subs!

6.26.10 - Saturday


Team of 6, 3 people working at a time, run up and down 1/2 of the rocky stairs every 50 repetitions:
250 sandbag squat cleans (35/70)
250 lunges (in place)
250 shoulder to overhead
- carry bags to 1/2 way landing -
250 jumping/plyo lunges (0/35)
250 burpee lateral jumps over sandbag
250 squats (35/70)

time - 40ish?!? SUUUPER HOT AND HUMID!

6.25.10 - Friday


6.24.10 - Thursday


6.23.10 - Wednesday

CF 914

Warm-up: 4 rounds of
8 OHS (45#)
10 Shoulder Press

15 thrusters (95#)
30 KTE
10 thrusters
20 KTE
5 thrusters
10 KTE

time - 10:24

6.22.10 - Tuesday

Club Fit

Warmup - Row 500 m then 3 rds:
10 T2B
10 squats
10 inchworms

Shoulder Press 1,1,1,1,1
75-85-95-100 (could not get 105!)

Metcon - 50 front squats (95#)
- take from floor
- at beginning of each minute to 15 DU
time - 6:40

note - ended each minute at 15-22-28-35-41-47

6.21.10 - Monday

CF 914

Warmup - 3 rds:
10 inchworm PU
10 squat jumps
10 power clean (45)

Metcon - Helen
time 10:55
note - SUPER HOT!!!

Sub max strength - 3,3,3 power clean

6.20.10 - Sunday

Coach 2 classes then from Central East Regional:

5-4-3-2-1 of MU & barbell complex

time - 8:25

note - SO TIRED today did 1 MU at a time. Need to redo this one.

6.19.10 - Saturday

Coach 3 classes then max snatch
103# (tied PR)

note - very close to landing 108!

6.18.10 - Friday


6.17.10 - Thursday


14 rounds of "7" as a team of 4:
7 thrusters (95/135)
7 K2E
7 Deadlift (165/245)
7 burpees
7 KBS (55/70)
7 pullups

Mike & Nikki - 4 rounds each
Laura & Jen - 3 rounds each
time - 24ish minutes

6.16.10 - Wednesday

CF 914

Warmup - 2 rds:
3 min jump rope
10 pullups
10 pushups
10 back extensions
10 OHS

Strength - Push press 5,5,5,5,5

Metcon - AMRAP in 15 min:
15 abmat butterfly situps
5 deadlifts (155#)
10 burpees
score - 9 rounds
note - back sore from yesterday's DL!

6.15.10 - Tuesday

Bravo CF 5 rounds: 5 deadlifts (185#) & 10 burpees time - 5:36

6.14.10 - Monday


6.13.10 - Sunday


6.12.10 - Saturday


6.11.10 - Friday

Rest (Schip's bachelorette!)

6.10.10 - Thursday

Bravo CF "Randy" - men's Rx (75#) time - 12:55 note - had to do one at a time b/c back hurt too much to control to the ground :(

6.9.10 - Wednesday

Club Fit Wendler taper week (5-5-5 of each): Shoulder Press 45-55-65 Snatch 45-55-65 Clean 55-70-85 Backsquat 70-90-110 Deadlift 90-110-135 Bench 55-65-75

6.8.10 - Tuesday

BRAVO CF 5 rounds: 9 thrusters (65#) 9 pullups time - 6:15